1. Recurso clave
    7/1/2019 Existen dos categorías amplias de semillas, denominadas recalcitrantes y ortodoxas. La primera debe mantenerse húmeda y sembrarse pronto después de recogida; las frutas de semillas grandes como el mango son ejemplos típicos. El segundo tipo de semillas se trata en este documento. Las semillas...
  2. Recurso clave
    22/3/2016 La producción anual de granos, frijoles secos, y verduras, depende de un suministro confiable de semillas de calidad. Esto es cierto para un agricultor cultivando para alimentar a su familia y también para el trabajador en agricultura que evalúa y cultiva semillas de una especie o variedad nueva...
  3. Recurso clave This article is from ECHO Asia Note #27 When planning to construct a “Cold Room” or “Seed Storage Room” for the purpose of preserving seed viability, one must first consider principles for optimum seed storage. InECHO Asia Note 14(July 2012), we shared results from our comparison of vacuum...
  4. 29/6/2020 Download TN#96(PDF) Read TN#96 online Seed storage in the tropics has been a frequent topic of ECHO publications and trainings due to its importance to the smallholder farmer. Access to quality seeds is imperative for agronomic and horticultural crop production. While on-farm seed saving benefits...
  5. This photo slideshow is a supplement toTechnical Note96: Earthbag Seed Banks.
  6. So you are thinking of ordering some ECHO Asia seeds...but you still have a few questions! Please scroll down and see if we have answered your question below. If not, please feel free to contact us at asiaseeds@echonet.org and we will do our best to respond. THE SEED BANK Is the ECHO Asia Seed...
  7. 3/4/2020 The primary purpose of this role is to lead and coordinate effective operations of the ECHO Asia Seed Bank according to the goals and objectives of the Asia Regional Impact Center. Housed at the ECHO Asia Farm, the Seed Bank primarily serves the needs of network members, as well as other...
  8. This article is from ECHO Asia Note # 36. As an organization that seeks to equip people with agricultural resources and skills, we often find ourselves coming back to the seed. Again and again we witness the value saving open-pollinated seeds, shedding light on locally adapted and underutilized...
  9. 8/10/2019
  10. This audio slideshow reveals how the ECHO Asia Seedbanksaves and distributes underutilised seeds for free.