1. AccessAgriculture Training Video Tradicionalmente, se vendía la miel en el panal, pero hoy en día la mayoría de los consumidores prefieren la miel extraída del panal. Esa miel procesada está limpia y lista para usar, y se puede almacenar por más tiempo. Para que la miel conserve su calidad, hay...
  2. 4/10/2019
  3. 20/7/2011 ECHO has not often shared marketing information and advice, because markets tend to be uncertain and volatile. Advice that is good for one location might not be helpful in another. Yet we recognize the important influence of economics and marketing in the lives of small-scale farmers. Although...
  4. 20/1/2003 Últimamente hemos recibido una serie de cartas en las que desean saber sobre comercialización de productos demarango. En particular, varios grupos de productores en Uganda nos han escrito para decirnos que ellos estánsembrando un número considerable de árboles de marango y ahora nos están...
  5. 20/1/2011
  6. 20/3/2014
  7. 20/1/2011
  8. Recent growth in global commodity prices, as well as expansion of domesticand export markets among emerging economies, translates to new and better opportunities for smallholder farmers in the developing world to access these markets. Increased production of high value horticulture crops in...
  9. 20/2/2017 Stylized facts drive research agendas and policy debates. Yet robust stylized facts are hard to come by, and when available, often outdated. The 12 papers in this Special Issue revisit conventional wisdom on African agriculture and its farmers’ livelihoods using nationally representative surveys...
  10. Access Agriculture Training Video Let us learn from the experiences of some innovative farmers in Ghana who make more money: by producing onions when there are few of them on the market; by storing them until the price comes up again; and by selling directly to clients in urban markets. ...