1. 1/1/2020 The purpose of this book is to assist the reader in choosing the best method for providing clean water in a developing country. Various approaches are clearly described, and case studies provided, to illustrate the importance of matching need and method when resources are limited. John Dracup in...
  2. 1/1/1994 This book is directed at agricultural projects whose staff do not have the specialised skills of the hydrologist and at hydrologists whose experience in the agricultural field is limited. It is aimed especially at those working in developing countries, where resources will be limited and where it...
  3. Making hydrological measurements in the field is an essential part of water resources planning and management. This book is an introduction to thepractical skills and knowledge required to take measurements and to manage data collection programmes. The author draws on 30 years of experience of...
  4. 13/11/2018 Many farmers in Honduras' dry corridor have been leaving their farms and migrating to cities due to droughts. Hydrologic design allows improves biological, chemical, and physical conditions in the soil, and increases resilience in farms to climate variability. Erlin Escoto Valladares Erlin Escoto...
  5. 29/1/2019 Más de 4 millones de personas en las zonas sahelianas del África Occidental enfrentan dificultades tras períodos de sequía y el aumento del precio de los alimentos. En junio, la FAO envió casi US$10 millones en ayuda para los productores azotados por la sequía en la región, los cuales dependen de...