1. 13/8/2018 In Meru district where this project is offered, farmers grow bananas and coffee in the highlands, and maize and beans in the lowlands. Many are also involved in small commercial horticulture. They mainly depend on surplus for cash but primarily focus on food crops, growing vegetables for many...
  2. BORDA Africa is specialised in integrated decentralised sanitation solutions in the fields of wastewater, sludge and solid waste management. BORDA (Bremen Overseas Research and Development Association), founded in 1977, is a civil society expert organisation focused on the provision of essential...
  3. 20/4/2018 In this issue: 1. Pastoralist symposium 2. Appropriate technology 3. ECHO EA seed bank updates 4.Parthenium 5. Upcoming events 6. News in brief
  4. El Instituto Amaranth, ECHO East Africa y World Vision Tanzania organizaron conjuntamente este simposio con una gran anticipación de la conformación conjunta de los temas discutidos, así como la creación de redes que impactan de modo significativo nuestro futuro trabajo en común. Se convocó a una...
  5. 7/8/2018 Session: Africa has the capacity to feed its children affordably and cost effectively if its vast resources are well harnessed and developed bringing and end to the continents constant food shortages and the shameful food handouts from other continents which do not enjoy the same kind of...
  6. 7/8/2018 Session: The panel will speak to the need for multi stakeholder engagement in an endeavour to reduce malnutrition. In particular, we will look at nutrition from the perspective of SDGs. The team will add a special note on government efforts to reduce malnutrition in Tanzania with particular focus...
  7. 7/8/2018 Session: ICTs can bridge the distance between farmers and extension officers through radio combined with mobile phones. Agricultural extension officers are an invaluable resource for farmers looking to increase their yields. Extension officers can provide tips on combating a new disease, or...
  8. 7/8/2018 Session: In the Tanzanian population occupational context, the majority (80%) experience food insecurity and poverty, and malnutrition is a phenomenon that has for a long time remained the main cause of child mortality, stunting and the most important impediment to further economic growth of the...
  9. 7/8/2018 Session: The presentation will elaborate on how useful these kitchen gardens in ensuring nutrition at household level Biographical Information: Charles Bonaventure (called "Bonny”) is a Technical Advisor for ECHO East Africa. Bonny worked with the Tanzanian government since 1986 before joining...
  10. 8/8/2018 Session: The session will first provide an overview of WorldVeg’s efforts in using traditional African vegetables in the region, based on its collection in Arusha, Tanzania, the largest in Africa. The overview will single out amaranth as well as traditional vegetables useful in drylands. Second,...