Estos son títulos de "Shell Book" en español relacionados con la agricultura y ganadería.

55 Contenido (Mostrando 1 - 10)

El Cultivo del Bambú

Cómo cultivar el bambú usando esquejes.

Usa material tomado de Footsteps la publicación de alfabetización del Fondo TEAR con el permiso amablemente concedido
Esta edición fue publicada en Gran Bretaña en 2020 por MissionAssist
Copyright © 2020 MissionAssist

Small Livestock - Rabbits

Rabbits are useful animals for individual farmers, village groups and schools as they are very productive, reproduce rapidly and produce good quality meat and fur.

This uses material from "Footsteps 10" - the literary publication of Tear Fund, with kind permission. Illustrated by MissionAssist.

This edition published in the United Kingdom in 2020 by MissionAssist.

Food and Farming

This book gives an overview of the Shell Books which have been written to help farmers and their families produce, process and store their precious food crops beyond harvest.

Adapted from various "Practical Action" publications with kind permission.

This edition published in the United Kingdom in 2020 by MissionAssist.

Small Livestock - Guinea Pigs

Guinea pigs are easy to raise for households and small-scale farmers, as they are very productive, reproduce rapidly and produce good quality meat and fur.

This uses material from "Footsteps 10" - the literary publication of Tear Fund, with kind permission. Illustrated by MissionAssist.

This edition published in the United Kingdom in 2020 by MissionAssist.


Gardening for Better Nutrition

This book shows how crops grown in home gardens can add important nutrients to the family diet; there is also a recipe for a soup you can make from some of those home-grown crops.

It uses material from Footsteps 52, the literacy publication of Tearfund with kind permission
Illustrations by MissionAssist
This edition published in the United Kingdom in 2021 by MissionAssist
Copyright © 2021 MissionAssist

Cómo trabajar con abejas

Cómo trabajar con abejas: planificar el trabajo, revisar la colmena y saber qué está viendo en ella.

Tomado de Basic Beekeeping Manual 1: "How to Manage Bees" (©Autora Pam Gregory, quien ofrece su manual como regalo a los apicultores de países en vías de desarrollo).

Esta edición fue publicada en el Reino Unido en 2020 por MissionAssist.

Pig Farming

A book about pig farming, taking you from choosing a site to keep pigs, deciding which breed to buy, feeding and caring for them and finally butchering them to obtain delicious meat. Additional sources of online help are listed and an easy recipe for cooking pork is included.

Adapted from a technical brief produced by Practical Action in Nepal and used by kind permission along with other sources freely available on the internet
Illustration by MissionAssist
This edition published in the United Kingdom in 2022 by MissionAssist
Copyright © 2022 MissionAssist

Une Manera Sencilla para Regar Semilles

Une Manera Sencilla para Regar Semilles (y plantación es de árboles)

Usa material tomado de Footsteps la publicatión de alfabetización del Fondo TEAR con el permiso amablemente concedido
Esta edición fue publicada en Gran Bretaña en 2019 por MissionAssist
Copyright © 2019 MissionAssist

Cómo hacer compost 2 - 1/5/2024

Los agricultores y jardineros utilizan abono y compost para mejorar la tierra y el rendimiento de sus cultivos. Este libro describe un método para elaborar compost y hacer tu propio abono.

Usa material tomado de Footsteps 107 la publicación de alfabetización de Tearfund con el permiso amablemente concedido
Esta edición fue publicada en el Reino Unido en 2022 por MissionAssist
Copyright © 2022 MissionAssist

Small Livestock Farming - Grasscutters - 18/8/2023

How to farm grasscutters (also known as cane rats) as a small-scale home-based enterprise. Listing the advantages and disadvantages.

Adapted from Agrodok 52, Backyard Grasscutter Keeping made freely available by Agromisa Foundation, Wageningen Netherlands
This edition published in the United Kingdom in 2023 by MissionAssist
Copyright © 2023 MissionAssist
More detailed information can be found online at:


Shell Books