1. Abstract,Small Ruminant Research, 2015 The sustainable use of the tropical deciduous forest (TDF) during co-grazing of sheep and goats is a complex paradigm. To unveil the latter, an important step is to identify which plants of the TDF are consumed by different ruminant species. Such information...
  2. Abstract,Science News, 2013 In some lamb herds, a mortality rate of 30 percent has been recorded, with no predators involved in these losses. The situation is so serious that the sheep industry could be under threat. It is therefore crucial to identify the causes and implement preventative...
  3. Abstract, Parasites and Vectors, 2017 Tick infestation is the major problem for animal health that causes substantial economic losses, particularly in tropical and subtropical countries. To better understand the spatial distribution of tick species and risk factors associated with tick prevalence...
  4. Abstract,Sociedade Brasileira de Zootecnia, 2011 Predicted climate changes will affect the way in which sheep are farmed in tropical climates. While frequently animals are selected for individual production, this can affect the profit levels on farm through the need to modify the environment and...
  5. Access Agriculture Training Video In traditional sheds, sheep and goats are often kept on the ground. The animals are in direct contact with their urine and droppings. Because of poor hygiene many animals get sick. You can easily make a raised platform inside your existing shed to solve these...
  6. 1/1/1970 The Sheepman's Handbook provides the reader with information on resaerch and technology for sheep production. The reccommendations in the handbook are intended as guidelines to profitable sheep production. This handbook will go through keys areas of sheep production such as genetics,...
  7. Access Agriculture Training Video Usually, farmers fatten male sheep and goats because they grow faster. To fatten the animals, it is important to find the right animals. To fatten sheep and goats, also give them protein rich feed for about 3 to 6 months. Along with good food, you must also make...
  8. AccessAgriculture Training Video En este video, aprenderemos de los agricultores del sur de la India cómo las lombrices parasíticas se propagan a las cabras y ovejas. También veremos cómo prevenir y curar a los animales con algunos métodos simples. Idiomas disponibles Bambara Bangla Birmano...
  9. Oklahoma State University Department of Animal Science Sheep: (Ovis aries) There are a number of different theories regarding the origins of domestic sheep. However, most sources agree that they originated from mouflon. There are two wild populations of mouflons still in existence: the Asiatic...
  10. This handbook will help the sheep producer select production goals, select the type of sheep most suitable for a particular area, and will serve as a guide for the production of healthy sheep.Sheep are one of the most common livestock and among the first to be domesticated. They are very...
  11. 1/1/1990 La oveja era una de las especies animales más tempranas ser domesticado, con evidencia que ellos fueron guardados y no cazaron ya en hace 10,700 ańos en la garganta del Río de Zab Mayor en Norteńo Lana de Iraq. se ha encontrado en los restos de 20,000-ańo viejo los pueblos en Suiza (Blakely y...
  12. AccessAgriculture Training Video Una oveja enferma no crece rápido y se venderá a bajo precio porque es delgada y la carne es de mala calidad. Algunas enfermedades como la PPR y la pasteurelosis se transmiten principalmente por inhalación y agua potable contaminada. Las lombrices parasíticas se...