20/1/2013 Los pollos de patio pueden encontrarse en todos los países en desarrollo y desempeñan un papel vital en muchos hogares rurales pobres. Proporcionan la escasa proteína animal en forma de carne y huevos y pueden venderse o cambiarse para llenar necesidades esenciales de la familia como medicinas,...
20/1/2013 Las misiones de Iglesias y otras pequeñas organizaciones no gubernamentales pueden responder a los intereses de las comunidades y pueden promover un modelo sostenible de vacunación rural de aves de corral – algunas veces de manera más efectiva que el gobierno distrital o local solo. ¿En qué...
Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research has supported the development of the vaccine against New Castle Disease for over 25 years in SE Asia and some African countries. This video presents the success stories of village poultry farmers who, thanks to vaccine program supported by...
Session:This presentation will be co-presented through a combination of video and discussion. Village chickens play a vital role in the lives of rural poor, providing meat, eggs, and income from sales which meet family needs. They are generally owned by women and children and provide food...
AccessAgriculture Training Video En este video, aprenderemos cómo reconocer la enfermedad Newcastle, los síntomas, causas, prevención, control y manejo de esta devastadora enfermedad. Idiomas disponibles Chichewa / Nyanja Chitonga / Tonga Español Francés Inglés Kiswahili Luganda Tumbuka
13/4/2016 What is Newcastle disease? Newcastle disease (ND) is a highly contagious, severe viral disease found worldwide that affects birds including domestic poultry. ND is endemic in all parts of Nigeria and is more common during the harmattan season (October –March) with the virus remaining dormant most...
12/4/2016 Presentation outline Background What is Newcastle disease(ND)? Symptoms of NCD Gaps in ND Control in backyard chicken Scope of PM’s work on ND control in rural chickens PM Strategy Conclusion
Christian missions and other small non-government organizations (in this paper referred together as ‘NGOs’) are doing some of the most effective and sustainable agriculture and food security work in developing countries. NGOs are able to innovate and include a package or menu of community options...
14/2/2019 Session: This presentation will be co-presented through a combination of video and discussion. Village chickens play a vital role in the lives of rural poor, providing meat, eggs, and income from sales which meet family needs. They are generally owned by women and children and provide food...