Las lágrimas de Job son una hierba anual tropical de 1 a 2 m de altura. Suele crecer en muchas áreas tropicales del mundo en zanjas y áreas bajas. Las plantas se usan comúnmente como forraje y las semillas se consumen y se usan para fabricar artesanías con cuentas.

Mae John

A large-seeded variety from Thailand that is grown for its edible seed.  

Small Seeded

Smaller seeds than the 'Mae John' variety, this Job's Tears is used for decorative purposes.

Mekong Mix

A soft, round, edible variety. 120 days from seed to flower. Seed coat turns gray or black when mature.

Decorative Mix

A mix of three, non-edible decorative varieties. Two varieties are thin and long and one is short and round. Used for embroidering shirts, bags, and tapestries. Can also be used for jewelry.

