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Abstract, International Journal for Research in Applied Sciences and Biotechnology, 2022

In developed countries, the danger of food-borne illness and product deterioration has been reduced thanks to advances in food processing technology and microbiological food safety standards. However, this risk has not been eradicated entirely. Biopreservation is a method of preserving food that makes advantage of the antibacterial capabilities of naturally occurring organisms and the metabolites produced by them. This method is also known as "living preservation." The efficiency of biological antimicrobial systems such as lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and/or their bacteriocins, in addition to other metabolites, is essential to the biopreservation of a wide variety of foods. This biopreservation technique is also known as cold storage. As a result of the growing desire for natural foods among consumers, it is of the utmost significance to conduct research on and develop natural and efficient food preservation components as a replacement for artificial preservatives. This review was conducted with the intention of shedding light on natural food preservatives such as LAB bacteriocins, organic acids, plant essential oils, salts, and sugars.

