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  1. Frequently asked questions about ECHO, the farm visit, and safety rules for enjoying the ECHO-Florida Global Farm experience...

  2. Students will investigate recent field research studies on the ECHO-Florida Global Farm and the ECHO-Asia Regional Impact Center and then design their own experiments. Activity 1 ECHO-Florida initiated a multi-year gliricidia intercropping trial. Researchers are trying to determine if the shade...

  3. Students will demonstrate their understanding of ways to improve and conserve soil as they email an ECHO intern in Africa, respond to a quote from the 19th century warning of civilizations’ impact on soil, and investigate the “Dust Bowl” soil disaster in U.S. history.

  4. Students will convert the annual sugar cane harvest data from weight to liquid measure, calculate the number of containers needed (gallons, quarts, and pints) for sale at a farmers’ market, and form a business plan including the calculation of costs and profits. An extension activity includes...

  5. Students will analyze data from the annual Tilapia harvest comparing the pond raised fish to the aquaponics grown fish. Guess what they found?

  6. During the ECHO tour, students saw several members of the animal kingdom which play an important role on small-scale farms. After creating a graphic organizer, students will write stories, poems, construct posters, or design illustrated brochures or information sheets describing “How to Raise”...

  7. Download Video links from the “Science Show” For more activities and information on Florida's Ag in the Classroom program : FAITC FAITC Teaching Resources

  8. After seeing several examples of Appropriate Technology as they toured the Global Farm, students will play a card game to review the technologies, plot the location of each one on a farm map, and then design their own invention to assist small-scale framers.

  9. After researching information, students will design an illustrated travel brochure describing the country where one of the Regional Impact Centers is located, including important facts that a visitor would like to know. Other art activities include posters, illustrations, and dioramas.

  10. This resource includes: how to get started, how to stretch a limited or non-existent budget, what inspired adult gardeners when they were children, and types of gardens from simple to complex. Additional resource links include: videos, articles, and books.

  11. Recent video tours of the Global Farm