1. Access Agriculture Training Video Calcium deficiency is common among high-yielding dairy cows. A calcium deficient cow does not eat much, is cold to touch, looks tired and is unable to stand up. She gives less milk. Untreated cows may die. To prevent calcium deficiency, do not dehorn your cows....
  2. 01-01-1971 It is the purpose of this booklet to suggest some ways of studying plants that may involve students more fully, especially in the design and development of elementary research suitable for school laboratories. Educational Products Division, LaMotte Chemical Products, Chestertown, MD 74 pages,...
  3. Rasilimali Muhimu
    01-01-2002 Acidification of soil is a natural process with major ramifications on plant growth. As soils become more acid, particularly when the pH drops below 4.5, it becomes increasingly difficult to produce food crops. As soil pH declines, the supply of most plant nutrients decreases while aluminum and a...