Habari mpya za ECHOcommunity

Jaza Kamili: Njia Rahisi ya Kupunguza Uharibifu wa Fukusi katika Mbegu za Mahindi Zilizohifadhiwa katika Kontena Zisizoingiwa na hewa 2021-09-27

Hasara za Baada ya mavuno zinazosababishwa na wadudu katika nafaka zilizohifadhiwa zinawakilisha changamoto kubwa wakulima wadogo wanakabiliwa kusini mwa ulimwengu. Fukusi wa mahindi (Sitophilus zeamais) ni mmoja wa wadudu muhimu zaidi wa Baada ya mavuno katika mahindi. Na mahindi makavu yaliyohifadhiwa katika mifuko ya polypropylene iliyosokotwa, Likhayo et al. (2018) iligunduliwa kuwa wadudu (fukusi wa mahindi na mdudu mwingine wa mahindi anayeitwa mtoboa mdogo wa nafaka [Prostephanus truncatus]) walipunguza uzani wa nafaka kwa 36%. Hasara kama hizo zinatishia usalama wa chakula wa wakulima na uthabiti wa jumla wa kifedha.


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Kuhusu ECHOcommunity

ECHOcommunity ni uanachama wa kijamii ambao hutoa upatikanaji wa karibu rasilimali zote kwenye mtandao, kama vile zana za mawasiliano kusaidia wafanyakazi wa maendeleo kuungana na kila mmoja.

soma zaidi

Matukio yajayo

ECHO Asia: Tropical Agriculture & Development (TAD) Course
J3, 3 Mwezi wa pili 2025 » J1, 8 Mwezi wa pili 2025

Chiang Mai, Thailand

This 1-week course is designed for development workers, missionaries, and volunteers looking to engage their communities with low-cost, high-impact agricultural innovations and techniques. Participants will be introduced to various agricultural practices and technologies through classroom time and hands-on activities on the farm, learning to 'use what you have to make what you need.' This course is considered an 'introductory survey course' and will present a broad overview of many options...

TOT with Global CHE Network (Feb)
J3, 24 Mwezi wa pili 2025 » Ij, 28 Mwezi wa pili 2025

ECHO North America, United States

  Those interested in preparing for short/long-term involvement in community and agricultural development internationally are encouraged to participate in this five-day (35 hours) training course. Course participants will gain an introduction to aspects of poverty and community development and an orientation to ECHO. They will also receive instruction on proven community development, including agricultural principles/practices and practical techniques, systems and technologies to meet ...

Biochar Academy: Thailand hosted by ECHO Asia + IBI (International Biochar Initiative)
J3, 24 Mwezi wa pili 2025 » J1, 1 Mwezi wa tatu 2025

ECHO Asia Small Farm Resource Center Chiang Mai, Thailand, Thailand

  Visit IBI's Biochar Academy: Thailand webpage for more information!   Participants will: Hear from biochar experts to gain insight into the current and future state of biochar research, commercial activity, and opportunities Become equipped with essential knowledge for training others in biochar fundamentals Make biochar using low-tech methods and identify a wide variety of applications for biochar Discuss the relationship between biochar and climate change mitigation ...

The 8th ECHO East Africa Biennial Symposium in collaboration with Hope International Burundi
J4, 25 Mwezi wa pili 2025 » Al, 27 Mwezi wa pili 2025

King's Conference Center (KCC), Burundi

We are soliciting potential presenters  and attendees for the 8th ECHO East Africa Biennial Symposium in collaboration with Hope International Burundi, to be held in Bujumbura from the 25th - 27th February, 2025, a three day sharing event to be held at the King's Conference Center (KCC)  in Bujumbura, Burundi. The event will draw participants from all across East Africa to address issues of sustainable agriculture and appropriate technologies. We prefer presentations with practical informatio...

TOT with Global CHE Network (March)
J3, 24 Mwezi wa tatu 2025 » Ij, 28 Mwezi wa tatu 2025

ECHO North America, United States

Those interested in preparing for short/long-term involvement in community and agricultural development internationally are encouraged to participate in this five-day (35 hours) training course. Course participants will gain an introduction to aspects of poverty and community development and an orientation to ECHO. They will also receive instruction on proven community development, including agricultural principles/practices and practical techniques, systems and technologies to meet wholi...

Rasilimali za karibuni

Raw, Boiled, and Fermented Banana Stalk Comparison for use in Farm-generated Pig Feed

Farm-generated pig feed can be a cost-effective option for smallholder farmers, particularly in remote settings that produce wild or cultivated feed inputs (Trail et al., 2020). Farmers use farm-generated feed inputs to supp...

Vigna vexillata, A Multi-Purpose Legume with Edible Tubers

Vigna vexillata is a perennial vine that has edible leaves, young pods, seeds, and tubers. It can be used as a forage or ground cover.  It is adaptable to a wide range of growing conditions.

Grey Water for Watering Plants

Using water from showers, sinks, and clothes washing, known as “grey water,” for watering plants is a common practice for both food and ornamental crops. Using grey water helps save potable water for other uses or provides w...

10-Day Organic Liquid Protective Fertilizer

The 10-day liquid fertilizer, also known as ‘protective fertilizer,’ is a highly effective, multi-advantage organic liquid soil amendment. The rapid liquid protective fertilizer is the product of the biological decomposition...

Making Better Shea Butter - Video

Access Agriculture Training Video

Shea butter is used a lot in cooking, traditional medicine and cosmetic products. However traditional extraction of shea butter doesn’t follow required hygiene rules, this results ...

Harvesting and Storing Shea Nuts - Video

Access Agriculture Training Video

In this video, we will learn how to collect shea fruits, remove nuts from shea fruits, sort, dry and shell the nuts to get good quality kernels. We shall also learn how to sort, dr...

Compost from Rice Straw - Video

Access Agriculture Training Video

Small scale farmers can struggle to keep their soil healthy, and often resort to buying fertilisers to improve their yield, but with a bit of extra work to make compost, yield can ...

The Effect of a Diet Based on Rice Straw Co-Fermented with Probiotics & Enzymes versus a Fresh Corn Stover-Based Diet on the Rumen Bacterial Community & Metabolites of Beef Cattle

Abstract, Scientific Reports, 2020

Improvement of the food value of rice straw is urgently required in rice crop growing areas to mitigate pollution caused by rice straw burning and enhance the supply of high-quali...

Nutritional Value of Baled Rice Straw for Ruminant Feed

Abstract, Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia, 2016

The objectives of this study were to evaluate the effects of cultivation and hay making factors on chemical composition, protein fractionation, and digestibility in r...

Rice Straw

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