1. 01/01/1981 55 pp: ill. Agrodok-seres No. 9 6eme ed. 1981 ( ECHO Library also holds the 71 pp. 2eme ed. revisee 1996 ) Cet Agrodok n'a pas la prétention d'être un livre original. Il n'est qu'une compilation des ouvrages memtionnés dans la bibliographie. L'ouvrage le plus fréquemment consultée a été: 'Le...
  2. 01/01/2002 a culture des légumes en ville L’agriculture urbaine peut être décrite comme suit : « Toutes les formes de production agricole pratiquées dans la ville ou dans son environnement direct, qui approvisionnent principalement les marchés urbains en produits alimentaires vendus aux consommateurs ou qui...
  3. 01/01/1990 Les potagers intensivement cultivés peuvent fournir la nourriture d'une famille ŕ une grande quantité de de trčs petite terre. Cependant, maintenir leur productivité, ces jardins, exigez beaucoup d'engrais et quelques techniques spéciales qui sont discutés au-dessous. Comme une récolte est finie,...
  4. 01/01/2022 This book is designed as a simple introduction to the more common fruits and nuts of Vietnam. It is hoped people will take greater pride and interest in these plants and become confident and informed about how to grow and use them. Many of the local food plants that occur in every country are...
  5. 29/12/2015 Here is the definitive guide to growing healthy organic vegetables without wasting our precious water resources! This incredibly timely book will give dedicated home gardeners the know-how to grow delicious produce in dry times, focusing on four different low-water conditions in the western...
  6. 01/01/1995 For the first-time gardener, or for those simply dissatisfied with what they see in their back yard, this practical guide offers solutions to the basic questions gardeners ask. Introductionary sections lay the groundwork for change; the major part of the book is based around 40 step-by-step...
  7. 01/01/1986 With this booklet, we bring you gardening at its best today. Veteran gardeners have contributed their know-how, and the Rodale Research Center has tested many of the concepts. We have combined writings that will remind you of productive old methods, suggest new approaches to current problems, and...
  8. 01/01/1980 The "Vegetable Growers' Companion" brings together, in a concise form, the field information gathered from six years of vegetable trials. The data should be used as a ready reference and guideline to the various disciplines involved with vegetable growing under local conditions. The tables...
  9. 01/01/1980 This publication reports on Save the Children's garden project which was initiated in order to demonstrate to the field coordinators, as well as other program personnel, that health and nutrition are closely related and that individual home gardens can make the difference between an inadequate...
  10. 01/01/1982 This publication lists the minor vegetables, how they are grown, where they are grown and their uses.