1. Ressource principale
    01/06/2014 When you come across an especially promising local variety of a crop grown in your area, how can you enable other farmers to try out this variety? If a farmer gives you 30 seeds of an exceptional variety, how might you go about distributing these? How does seed flow happen in and among...
  2. Ressource principale
    01/01/2011 Often farmers asked for seed, but we weren’t quite sure what to expect when we suggested—to the farmers’ union in Nampula, Mozambique—that they organize a fair in which the members could come together and exchange seed. They might only be interested in “improved” varieties. However, when we...
  3. 26/04/2019 Lors de la conférence internationale sur l'agriculture organisée par ECHO en 2014, Dr Laura Meitzner Yoder a donné une conférence plénière intitulée «Cultiver des liens: tirer des enseignements des systèmes de semences locaux, et encourager l'échange de semences au sein de la communauté.» La...
  4. Resources from the Cambodia Seed Saving Workshop held on December 2-3 at Ntuk Nti Farm,Cambodia ECHO Asia, in conjunction with International Cooperation Cambodia (ICC) and Ntuk Nti, with funding from the Presbyterian Hunger Program (PHP-USA) held a seed saving workshop in Sen Monorem, Mondulkiri...
  5. 22/05/2017 Seed availability for small-scale farmers can be unpredictable and unreliable. Commercial products are often out of reach financially or geographically and can lead to loss of biodiversity. ECHO's seed banks provide sample packets of seeds to evaluate for potential crop production in challenging...
  6. AccessAgriculture Video Nous agriculteurs, hommes et femmes, avons le droit de vendre nos semences, de les conserver et de les échanger. S’ils nous interdisaient d’échanger ou de vendre nos semences de patate, cela mettrait fin à nos vies parce que c’est ce dont nous dépendons. Langues...