1. 接下来的动画将介绍运用沙子和木炭制作净水系统的过程。该过程操作简单,并能够除水中去大部分的治病污染物。
  2. 天狗熱一種予母的斑蚊叮著,共病毒傳予人的疾病,這支3分24秒的bàng-kah予咱知影天狗熱的的穢湠,感染佮致病時的症狀。另外,bàng-kah嘛提供埃及斑蚊佮白線斑蚊的生活習慣。這支影片教咱各種的預防措施,像講維持厝內外的環境衛生,莫去予蠓仔叮著。予咱做伙拍拚,共同阻止天狗熱的穢湠!
  3. Ebola is a life threatening disease caused by the Ebola virus. There is currently no cure or vaccine. Although the disease is dangerous and can kill in a short time, we can stop Ebola from spreading. Early treatment can also increase chances of surviving Ebola. This video provides information on...
  4. 洗手是預防病菌和疾病傳染的最好方法。骯髒的手會攜帶讓人患病的病原細菌或將疾病傳染給他人。病菌、病毒、黴菌與寄生蟲等微生物以及各種化學物體會當我們碰觸我們的臉、眼睛、鼻子或嘴時,直接進入我們的體內。或是當我們骯髒的雙手汙染了他人會碰觸到的物體表面或飲食器皿時,而間接進入人體內。以肥皂及清水洗手的習慣構成了預防許多如小感冒及腹瀉或較嚴重的腦膜炎、流感或肝炎等許多疾病傳染的第一道防線。這部立體動畫將說明了洗手的重要性。
  5. Chagas is a disease caused by a parasite namedTrypanosoma cruzi. The parasite is transmitted to humans through the bite of an insect known as the kissing bug, vinchuca, chinche, barbeiro and scientifically calledTriatoma infestans. This video discusses methods to help prevent this disease....
  6. West Nile Virus is a disease transmitted by the bite of mosquitoes. Mosquitoes acquire the virus by feeding on the blood of infected migratory birds. A common female mosquito, Culex pipiens, is the main mosquito responsible for the transmission of the virus. However, other species, such as Aedes...
  7. 本動畫討論的是鐮刀細胞型貧血症之痛苦以及臨床醫師該如何對待此類病患。鐮刀細胞型貧血症之痛苦非常真實,其血管阻塞的疼痛比起大多數其他急診部門所碰到的疼痛狀況更為嚴重。然而有一點很重要的就是,鐮刀細胞型貧血症病患的面部表情不能當作可靠的疼痛指標,因為他們常會訓練自己去隱藏外在的痛苦,並且控制自己情緒,以便與經年累月的疼痛共處。正因為外表無法識別,患者有時無法獲得適當程度之治療。臨床醫師可藉由減少病患的恐懼感及提升他們的信任感,使止痛藥物能獲得最佳成效,因此臨床醫師的禮貌、耐心、溫和、以及關心就很重要了。有了適當的管理技巧,鐮刀細胞型貧血症患者儘管有著慢性疼痛,也可以過著豐富而成功的生活。
  8. 肺結核是一種由細菌引起的常見傳染病,通常寄宿在肺部。這部4分31秒的影片提供有關結核病的一般資訊,及一個重要觀念:結核病是可以治療和治癒的。影片還說明了一些預防措施,用來保護自己和其他人,以免得到這種疾病。讓我們採取這些預防措施,制止結核病的傳播。
  9. This animation describes the concept of fines that can be applied when one misses a group meeting and in the same order, fines that can be applied when one misses a savings payment. It is the third animation out of six in the microfinance animation series. Scientific Animations Without Borders...
  10. In this animation, you will learn the steps necessary to start every meeting in a savings group and then the process of taking a loan. It is the fourth animation out of six in the microfinance animation series. Scientific Animations Without Borders (SAWBO) is a university based program. SAWBO...