1. Charcoal is probably the oldest and most efficient remedy in the history of animal farming. Somewhat forgotten over the last 50 years, it has been rediscovered thanks to modern biochar research. The use of biochar as a feed additive has a number of beneficial effects for both animals and the...
  2. 90% of the biochar produced in Europe is used in livestock farming. Whether mixed with feed, added to litter or used in the treatment of slurry, the positive effect of biochar very quickly becomes apparent. The health – and consequently the well-being – of the livestock improve within just a...
  3. Abstract, PeerJ, 2019 Biochar, that is, carbonized biomass similar to charcoal, has been used in acute medical treatment of animals for many centuries. Since 2010, livestock farmers increasingly use biochar as a regular feed supplement to improve animal health, increase nutrient intake efficiency...
  4. 2019-10-01 This workshop will be given in English with Thai translation. Animal feed represents 70% of the costs involved in modern animal production. This creates a significant problem for small-scale farmers as it allows for very little financial margin. This workshop will explore how to reduce this...
  5. 2014-04-20 Comfrey is a unique perennial plant that requires minimal maintenance after planting and that can give high, sustained yields of nutrient-rich leaves for use as fertilizer, animal feed and more. It is high in potassium (K) and other micronutrients, and seems to improve fruiting and disease...
  6. 2013-07-20 Job’s tears is a 1 to 2 m tall grass thought to originate from Southeast Asia. It is found throughout most of the tropics, often in wild stands along ditches and streams. Depending on the variety, the seeds are yellow, purple or brown and are often tearshaped; hence, the name “Job’s tears.” There...
  7. 2017-06-08 Feed Options for Ruminants in the Tropics Creating a Low-Cost Seed Dryer for Local Seed Banks
  8. This article is from ECHO Asia Note # 31. 简介 令人惊奇的多重反刍动物形态多样,其营养需求也各不相同。反刍动物是反刍类亚纲(属偶蹄目)中偶蹄、四足和反嚼的哺乳动物。牛、水牛、山羊和牦牛是东南亚分布的一些反刍动物。 反刍动物能够在消化前借助有益微生物将植物性食物在其特殊的胃中发酵,再消化和获取营养(图 1)。在初步发酵后,将发酵的嚼团再次调味并再次咀嚼,重新咀嚼(进一步分解植物物质并刺激消化)的过程称为反刍。反刍动物产生的废料作为肥料是很好的价值,可以更好地生产他们摄取的饲料。农场应使用粪肥以保持土壤肥力。由于农场养分的循环利用,...
  9. 2017-10-23 Insects are an often-overlooked food and feed source. In many areas of the world, they have been eaten for centuries.Where insects are not typically viewed as a food source, people often have an internal aversion to eating them.Insects make sense as a food and feed source for many reasons. First,...
  10. FEAST To feed themselves and their families, and to benefit from increasing demand for livestock products in developing countries, livestock keepers must have access to good quality feed for their livestock. Feed availability is currently a major constraint to increasing livestock productivity...