1. 01.10.2002 Almost all Sesbania inoculant is capable of forming both stem and root nodules in S. rostrata.
  2. 20.01.2003 In 1997 Milton Flores with CIDICCO in Honduras provided our seedbank with seed for a bush velvet bean that is being grown widely in Brazil. We have grown and distributed this bush velvet bean on a limited scale since that time, and now are offering it to our network.
  3. 19.05.1998 The two things that make Yardlong Beans so special are the exceptionally long edible pods (12-30 inches/30-75 cm) and its ability to resist disease in hot, humid weather
  4. 20.01.2004 The lablab beanLablab purpureus(orDolichos lablab) is a versatile subtropical and tropical nitrogen-fixing legume. It is a multipurpose legume that can be used as a cover crop, providing green manure, erosion control and weed suppression.
  5. 20.04.2004 Rice bean (Vigna umbellata) is one of the top five most commonly grown green manure/cover crops in the world.
  6. 20.07.2006 In EDN Issue 80 (July 2003), we asked for feedback from our network about raising soybeans in the tropics. We heard back from several people and would like to share their responses.
  7. 20.07.2006 Several technical considerations must be taken into account when attempting to help economically disenfranchised families and communities initiate and sustain production of soybeans or any new crop. Technical assistance cannot be done in isolation; one must provide more than just information...
  8. 20.10.2003 The seven-year lima is also called Madagascar Bean, Painted Lady or Tropical Lima.
  9. 20.10.2007 Winged bean (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus), an amazingly productive and multi-purpose legume, grows as a vine typically staked on 1.5 to 2 m (5 to 6.5 ft) poles or trellises. Likely originating in the Asian tropics, it thrives in hot, humid areas and grows at elevations up to 2000 m (6562 ft).
  10. 20.04.2008 We were privileged to have Dr. James Brewbaker as a speaker at our annual conference in November 2007. As a plant breeder at the University of Hawaii, Dr. Brewbaker has devoted many years of scholarly research to the leucaena tree and to sweet corn. He has always had a strong interest in ways...