1. 2024-05-01 Ce livre fait partie d'une série de livres qui nous parlent d'animaux de différentes parties du monde, des animaux dont vous ne savez pas, peut-être, grand’chose. Ce livre s'intéresse aux éléphants ; il en existe trois types principaux et ce livre explore leurs similitudes et leurs différences....
  2. There are about 49 different species of tortoise all over the world. The smallest are the padlopers of southern Africa. These are about 10 - 15 centimetres long. The largest tortoises live in the Aldabra and Galapagos islands. This book focuses on the two and largest species of tortoise, called...
  3. 2023-07-15 Walruses live in cold waters near the North Pole. They are very big mammals. The male can weigh over 1500 kilograms (1.5 tonnes). Written and illustrated for MissionAssist This edition published in the United Kingdom in 2023 by MissionAssist Copyright 2023 MissionAssist
  4. 2023-07-15 Kangaroos are only found in Australia and New Guinea. They are very unusual animals which have very strong back legs and tail and very short forearms. They move by hopping forwards on their back legs. They use their tails as a third leg. They can’t move backwards. Written and illustrated for...