English (en) | Change Language
By: Franklin W. Martin and Michael P. Fennema
Published: 1996-10-19

                |            |NITRO-|             |          |
 COMMON         |            | GEN  |PRINCIPAL    |SECONDARY |  ADAPTATION   
Acacia albida   |Apple-Ring  | Yes  |MPL*         |Camel feed|Hot,DryTropics
                | Acacia     |      |             |          |
Acacia mearansii|Black Wattle| Yes  |MPL          |          |Hot,DryTropics
Acacia nilotica |Nile Acacia | Yes  |AlleyCropping|          |Hot,DryTropics
Boscia          |            | No   |Emergency    |          |Hot,DryTropics
  senegalensis  |            |      |  Food       |          |
Bursera simaruba|Gumbo Limbo | No   |Living Fence |Industrial|Hot,DryTropics
                |            |      |             |  Gum     |
Calliandra      |Calliandra  | Yes  |MPL          |Fuel      |Wet Tropics 
  calothyrsis   |            |      |             |          |
Chaemaecytisus  |Tagaste     | Yes  |AlleyCropping|MPL       |Upland Tropics
  palmensis     |            |      |  Cropping   |          |
Cassie siamea   |Siamese     | Yes  |Fuel, Hard   |MPL       |Hot Tropics 
                |  Acacia    |      |  Wood       |          |
Casuarina sp.   |Casuarina   | Yes  |Fuel, Lumber |Windbreak |Hot Tropics
Erythrina       |Coral Bean  | Yes  |Living Fence |MPL       |Intermediate  
  berteroana    |            |      |             |          |  Tropics
Gliricidia      |Mother of   | Yes  |Living Fence |MPL       |Intermediate 
  sepium        |  Cacao     |      |             |          |  Tropics 
Hibiscus        |Mahoe       | No   |Living Fence |Erosion   |Hot,DryTropics
  tiliaceus     |            |      |             |  Control |
Leucaena        |Leucaena    | Yes  |Alley        |MPL       |Intermediate
  leucocephala  |            |      |Cropping,Fuel|          |  Tropics
Moringa pterygo-|Moringa     | No   |Food         |Living    |Intermediate 
 sperma(formerly|            |      |             |  Fence   |  Tropics
 M. Oleifera)   |            |      |             |          | 
Moringa         |            | No   |Food         |Living    |Wet Tropics
 stenopetala    |            |      |             |  Fence   | 
Sapium sebiferum|Tallow tree | No   |Useful Oils  |Erosion   |Intermediate 
                |            |      |             |  Control |  Subtropics
Sesbania        |Sesban      | Yes  |Food, Alley  |MPL       |Intermediate  
  grandiflora   |            |      |  Cropping   |          |  Tropics
Swietenia       |Mahogany    | No   |Timber       |          |Wet Tropics
  mahogani      |            |      |             |          |
Tamarisk sp.    |Tamarisk    | No   |Windbreak    |Lumber    |Dry Subtropics
Yucca           |Bulbstem    | No   |Living Fence |Edible    |Hot and 
  elephantipes  |  Yucca     |      |             |  Flowers |  Intermediate 
                |            |      |             |          |  Subtropics    