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Amaranth Seed

Amaranth grain, corn and beans were probably the primary foods of the Aztecs. The Aztecs unfortunately practiced a religious observance in which they world mix blood from a human sacrifice with popped amaranth grain. They formed this into a statue of a war god, worshiped the statue, then ate it. The Conquistadors considered this a mockery of the eucharist (communion) so banned both the religion and cultivation of the grain in 1517. Amaranth has existed primarily as a wild weed since that time.

Some Insights On Raising Rabbits In The Third World

have talked with some development workers who have been very positive about the role of rabbits in their work. But others have been equally negative. Fremont Regier has worked for some time in Zaire and now in Botswana. He was recommended to me as one who is both successful and enthusiastic about rabbits. So I wrote and asked him why rabbits catch on with one person/place and fail with another.

Does Jojoba Have Potential In The Tropics

In each of the countries I visited last spring (Honduras, Costa Rica and Colombia) I found interest in trying jojoba. It is hardly surprising. A desert shrub that produces acorn size seeds containing 40% oil that sells $200 per gallon is interesting indeed! The following item will give more basic information on jojoba. Here I want to help you decide whether to try jojoba in your area and, it so, on what scale to try it.

What Is Jojoba?

Jojoba (pronounced ho-ho-ba) is a hardy shrub which grows wild in the Sonoran desert in northern Mexico and southwest USA. Its seeds contain an oil, which is really a liquid wax, that is very similar in properties to sperm whale oil. This kind of wax is difficult and expensive to synthesize in commercial quantities, so the demand for jojoba or sperm whale oil seems sure to continue.