1. Access Agriculture Training Video All across the world, people add condiments to their cooking to make it taste better. In West Africa, many sauces are prepared using a condiment made with seeds from the Néré tree, also known as the African locust bean. In Mali, this condiment is called soumbala....
  2. Access Agriculture Training Video A estriga parasita causa mais danos às culturas de cereais em solos pobres, por isso ambos os problemas devem ser enfrentados em conjunto. Neste vídeo, aprenderemos por que é importante combinar pelo menos três métodos de controle para reduzir a estriga e, assim,...
  3. Access Agriculture Training Video Bacterial Black Spot disease weakens branches and causes fruit to drop. If not treated, it can devastate your entire plantation. Once the disease breaks out in a certain area, it spreads further and further every year. In this video you will learn how to stop it....
  4. Access Agriculture Training Video This video examines ways of reducing worm and fluke infestation in African livestock. There is advice on how to break the worm cycle and treat animals with reliable drugs. Available languages Bangla Chitonga / Tonga English French
  5. Access Agriculture Training Video Na savana costeira da África Ocidental, os agricultores explicam como uma cobertura de mucuna ajudou a revitalizar o solo altamente degradado e eliminar as ervas daninhas estriga e imperata. Eles mostram como cultivá-la para beneficiar o milho e a mandioca e por...
  6. Access Agriculture Training Video Onions need rich, fertile soil. Only grow onions once in 3 years in the same field. Plant the onions on raised beds, especially in the rainy season. Transplant when the onions are about 6 weeks old. Plant the onions 10 centimetres apart. By taking good care of...
  7. Access Agriculture Training Video Onion seedlings need a healthy, loose soil. Add well-aged manure or compost. In the rainy season you need to raise the seedbed so the onion roots will not rot. If you use quality seed, most of the seed will germinate and you need much less of it. Onion seedlings...
  8. Access Agriculture Training Video Let us learn from the experiences of some innovative farmers in Ghana who make more money: by producing onions when there are few of them on the market; by storing them until the price comes up again; and by selling directly to clients in urban markets. ...
  9. Access Agriculture Training Video A análise econômica permite que os agricultores saibam quanto dinheiro ganhariam ou perderiam ao mudar de tecnologia ou prática. Isso os ajuda a decidir qual prática querem experimentar em suas lavouras no ano seguinte. Idiomas disponíveis Amárico Ateso Aymara...
  10. Access Agriculture Training Video In Kenya, WRUAs first began forming in the 1990’s. They are established by communities along rivers and guarantee the participation of their members in all management decisions taken on the use of the river water. Arabic Bambara Burmese English French