1. 08/06/2020 Este livrinho diz-lhe como usar a planta de aloe vera para ajudar no caso de uma queimadura ou ferida. Obtido de FOOTSTEPS 48. Com permissão de TEAR FUND Esta edição foi publicada no Reino Unido em 2023 por MissionAssist Direitos reservados 2023 MissionAssist
  2. 01/10/2021 Este livrinho analisa três ervas daninhas que os agricultores podem considerar benéficas para as suas culturas, e uma quarta que pode ser usada para tratar uma doença comum nas galinhas. Usando material do Footsteps 48 e 65, uma publicação de literacia da Tearfund usado com grata permissão. E do...
  3. This book explains how to make indigo dye: the best plants to use and the equipment needed. Written and illustrated for MissionAssist. This edition published in the United Kingdom in 2020 by MissionAssist.
  4. From problem to productive free resource: this book explains that, although the water hyacinth has become a problem, it can be very useful. It uses material from thePractical Action's "Technical Brief - Water Hyacinth", with kind permission. This edition published in the United Kingdom in 2020 by...
  5. Edible portion:Root - oil for flavouring A tropical grass. It keeps growing from year to year. It has stout roots. It grows 2 m high. It grows in dense tufts. The leaf blades are 90 cm long by 4-10 mm wide. The flower panicle is oblong and 13-30 cm long. It is a tropical plant. It grows in areas...
  6. 20/03/2004 Underutilized plant species Roselle in Senegal and Mali Canahua deserves to come back Genetic erosion of canahua Growing and marketing Andean grains Fonio: a small grain with potential Taro in Vanuatu Masuku Home gardens Native fruits Marugu Women reintroducing neglected crops The slow food...
  7. 01/01/2011 Originally published in 1998, this was updated in 2011 based on th most recent information regarding the conservation status and use of various tropical palm species. 240 pages, charts, photos Non-wood Forest Products, 10/Rev. 1
  8. 01/01/1989 The world is on the verge of receiving new life forms that will profoundly and irrevocably change the global economy: the "gene hunters" who first cloned the gene in 1973 are now not only modifying existing species but also creating new plants and animals. Ready or not for such awesome power, the...
  9. 01/01/1877 The author presents diffusing practical information concerning palmgrowth and useful products from palms.
  10. 01/01/2006 Os produtos florestais não-madeireiros (NTFP) são produtos provenientes de plantas silvestres e produtos animais recolhidos em florestas, tais como os frutos silvestres, frutos secos, raízes comestíveis, mel, plantas medicinais e carne de animais selvagens. Milhões de pessoas, principalmente...