1. 12/02/2021 Este livrinho descreve e ilustra 6 sistemas para cultivo frutas e vegetais hidroponicamente. Usando material do Footsteps 110 uma publicação de literacia da Tear Fund usado com grata permissão Ilustrações por MissionAssist Esta edição foi publicada no Reino Unido em 2024 por MissionAssist...
  2. This book introduces readers to growing plants by non-circulating hydroponic methods. The general principles and concepts of non-circulating hydropic methodology are explained. Three general methods are detailed.
  3. 01/01/1956 This book presents a clear account of the principles and practice of the methods of growing without soil, which will start the feet of the beginner on the right path and save him from many pitfalls.
  4. Abstract, Frontiers in Plant Science, 2019 Soilless cultivation represent a valid opportunity for the agricultural production sector, especially in areas characterized by severe soil degradation and limited water availability. Furthermore, this agronomic practice embodies a favorable response...