1. 01/01/1984 This publication contains eight papers presented at a symposium on land use planning techniques and policies organized and co-sponsored by Div. S5, S6, A1, and A2 at the 1982 ASA annual meeting in Atlanta, GA.
  2. Village Medical Manual is a two-volume guide to health care in developing countries where expert medical care can be hard to find. Its intended use is by those who are required, by location and circumstances, to render medical care for which they are not professionally trained. Reader-friendly...
  3. 01/01/2008 Um guia para os profissionais do ramo Os serviços de finanças rurais variam em escala e objectivo. Os grupos comunitários de poupanças e de empréstimos, por exemplo, fazem com que os seus membros tenham acesso a dinheiro, ainda que em pequenas quantias, mas que é essencial. Nos casos em que a...
  4. 01/01/2000 Este guia tem por objectivo ajudar as comunidades agro-pastoris na zona sudano-saheliana a financiar, instalar e gerir pontos de gua para os rebanhos da aldeia. Dirige-se, particularmente, aos extensionistas rurais que trabalham com projectos de aprovisionamento de ·gua para o gado (hidrulica...
  5. 01/01/1990 A maioria dos agricultores no mundo ainda praticam, de alguma forma, agricultura de subsistÍncia. Todavia no se pode comparar a utilizaÁo que fazem de animais de tracÁo e dos seus mÈtodos agrÌcolas baseados no trabalho manual com as tÈcnicas de agricultura inteiramente mecanizadas e altamente...
  6. 01/01/2000 *Available only in Spanish. Over the last 40 years, an impressive number of theories on different aspects of rural development have been formulated and then rejected. The few theories that have endured are, for the most part, those that were born out of practice. The survivors had to struggle for...
  7. 01/01/1994 *Available only in Spanish. This Book collects and extends the broad ideas exposed in the illustration. It methodically analyzes the main activities related to peasant life and the simple ways that exist to make them more productive and less harmful to man and his environment. Through a patient...
  8. 01/01/2021 Many people live in rural areas in tropical regions. Rural development is not merely a contribution to the growth of individual countries. It can be a way to reduce poverty and to increase access to water, health care, and education. Sustainable rural development can also help stop deforestation...
  9. 01/01/2022 Bioenergy is renewable energy obtained from biomass-any organic material that has stored sunlight in the form of chemical energy. Biogas is among the biofuels that can be obtained from biomass resources, including biodegradable wastes like manure, sewage sludge, the organic fraction of municipal...
  10. Abstract, Annals of The New York Academy of Sciences, 2014 There is scarce research and programmatic evidence on the effect of poor water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) conditions of the physical environment on early child cognitive, sensorimotor, and socioemotional development. Furthermore,...