1. The 2:4 maize–double cowpea system consists of 4 rows of cowpea and 2 rows of maize, all planted on the same day. The second cowpea crop is planted after the first has been harvested (about 60 days after planting).1 The maize and cowpea are densely planted. The objective of this trial is to gain...
  2. 03/02/2015
  3. Key Resource 26/05/2017 By integrating legumes into cropping systems, small-scale farmers in low-resource settings can invest in the long-term health and resilience of their soils. Success or failure depends largely on choosing the right legume(s). With that in mind, this document presents insights on legume selection...
  4. Authors: T.N. Motis, J.M. Longfellow, A.D. Jani, B.J. Lingbeek, C.J. D'Aiuto, J.C.J. Bergen Keywords: Moringa oleifera, intercropping, legumes,Vigna unguiculata,Canivalia ensiformis,Cajanus cajan,Lablab purpureus, alley cropping DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2017.1158.11 Abstract: In Limpopo Province...
  5. Access Agriculture Training Video Agricultores do norte da Nigéria estão mudando a maneira como consorciam o sorgo e o painço com o feijão-de-corda. Ao plantar ambas as culturas em densidades mais altas e em fileiras separadas, aplicando algum fertilizante orgânico e mineral, eles colhem mais e...
  6. Access Agriculture Training Video O consórcio ou rotação de culturas de cereais com leguminosas é uma das estratégias de manejo integrado da estriga e fertilidade do solo. Mas manter sementes de leguminosas de qualidade apresenta dois desafios principais. Primeiro, a semente perde facilmente sua...
  7. 20/05/2001 For a long time, coconut farmers were able to live with the fate of declining harvests and incomes. In view of the current prices, this is no longer possible. It needs changes. The best option coconut farmers have to improve their livelihood is to diversify their farms. Fortunately, common...
  8. Growing plants in general and Jatropha curcas L. in particular requires knowledge and understanding of the environmental conditions these plants require to grow and thrive. Regarding the factors influencing plant growth, an understanding of soils probably is the most important one. In subtropical...
  9. Abstract, International Clinical Pathology Journal, 2017 SK Thind, Punjab Agricultural University, India India is the second largest producer of fruits in the world, contributing 10% of the total production. But, the total production is quite below (45.496million tons from 37.96million hectares)...
  10. Abstract, 2011, Journal of Applied Environmental and Biological Sciences Agricultural sector as important economic activities in various communities requires coherent planning in order to achieve development and confront with crises. Sustainable agriculture is more efficient in use of resources...