1. Good packaging improves the presentation of a foodstuff, increasing its market value as well as convenience in handling. Packaging can perform three functions: it acts as a container, enabling a chosen quantity of a product to be handled as a unit during distribution and storage; it helps to...
  2. 01/01/2011 Este prático manual de custo reduzido está claramente estruturado e apresentado, com inúmeras imagens ilustrativas, listas de controlo e fotografias. Dividido em nove capítulos, descreve os métodos e os materiais que podem ser utilizados no embalamento de produtos agrícolas. Abrange alimentos que...
  3. Appropriate Food Packaging is a compendium of packaging materials and cost-effective methods that can be applied at a small to medium scale in developing countries. This book helps manufacturers to face the challenges that improving their packaging systems present, including assessing whether...