1. 01/01/2007 Este folheto desdobrável de 8 páginas, prático na sua utilização no terreno e de leitura fácil, trata da criação de galinhas de raça local. Fornece informação de base sobre o assunto e descreve, em linhas gerais, os processos. Oferece ainda sugestões, quadros e desenhos explicativos.
  2. This booklet is about small-scale poultry hatching and brooding practices, focusing on successful keeping of the standard backyard poultry flock.
  3. A collection of readings on incubation in poultry. 3Copies
  4. This Agrodok provides a wealth of useful information on how to overcome the main constraints in small-scale poultry production and deal with threats like predation and infectious diseases. It is a practical booklet with chapters on hatching, housing, nutrition and health. 2 Copies