1. 01/01/1990 Este manual é projetado para ajudar esses que planejam e instrumento projects. agrícola em pequena escala promovendo conscięncia de preocupaçőes ambientais, o manual pode aumentar o desenvolvimento a habilidade de trabalhador para projetar projetos que săo ambos o environmentally som e...
  2. 20/07/2013 This article will share ideas of how to put your written farm plan to work. It will start with a brief outline of some basic project management principles. Next, it will cover a simple system used by the author to implement his farm plan. Finally, it will describe the process of ongoing planning...
  3. 20/01/2013 It has been said that a goal without a plan is just a wish. Studies have shown that individuals with clear, written goals are significantly more likely to succeed than those without clearly defined goals. For example, a study conducted by Gail Matthews, Ph.D., at the Dominican University, found...