1. Vaccines2022,10(3), 372;https://doi.org/10.3390/vaccines10030372 Published: 27 February 2022 Abstract Yellow fever (YF) virus still represents a major threat in low resource countries in both South America and Africa despite the presence of an effective vaccine. YF outbreaks are not only due to...
  2. Efepiri ya ntchalo eretcha enalikiwa ni mwasitchu onavukiwa ni atchu wanthowa na olunmwa ni tupusi amwamuhiyana anitchaniwa Aedes aegipty ni atupusi ya maloko makina. Sawona sa eretcha elaa iri: oviha wa mwili, othukumela, ovoreya wa misiphe, ovoreya wa muru, ohitchuna otcha, naaruru ni orapheya....