1. 2019-01-07 Registration has reached capacity. We are no longer accepting registrations for this course. Those interested in preparing for short to long-term involvement in international agriculture development are encouraged to participate in this five-day course. Topics and discussions will be centered on...
  2. 2018-08-09 Farming God’s Way is a way to teach developing countries soil conservation, and proper farming practices. it’s a method based on biblical principals with a focus on farming that teachers the farmer to cultivate and care for the land in a way that will yield the best results for the current and...
  3. အဓိက အရင်းအမြစ် 2005-08-30 Volume One: Vision & Theory Edible Forest Gardens is a groundbreaking two-volume work that spells out and explores the key concepts of forest ecology and applies them to the needs of natural gardeners in temperate climates. Volume I lays out the vision of the forest garden and explains the...
  4. အဓိက အရင်းအမြစ် 2005-10-20 Volume Two: Design & Practice Edible Forest Gardens is a groundbreaking two-volume work that spells out and explores the key concepts of forest ecology and applies them to the needs of natural gardeners in temperate climates. Volume I lays out the vision of the forest garden and explains the...
  5. 1997-01-01 All you want or need to know to grow a marvelous Kitchen Garden!Thisbooksconsentrates on flavorful, high yieldintensivelygrown plants and it is an attrative and inegralpart of your over all gardenand outdoorliving space, apposed to beingplantedin some remote or hidden corner of the yard.
  6. The primary objective in writing this t4ext is to provide a useful treatment of the families of vascular plants of North America., with special emphasis on the flora of the US. All families of the native species are treated in this book. This book is for students or person wanting to learn about...
  7. 1998-01-19 This book was written as a companion volume to Reasons for Hope: Instructive Experiences in Rural Development, a collection of case studies of programs that have succeeded in improving the lives and prospects of large numbers of rural hosuseholds, often in very inhospitable settings. We draw...