1. Chagas is a disease caused by a parasite namedTrypanosoma cruzi. The parasite is transmitted to humans through the bite of an insect known as the kissing bug, vinchuca, chinche, barbeiro and scientifically calledTriatoma infestans. This video discusses methods to help prevent this disease....
  2. Баруун Нилийн вирусын халварт өвчин нь шумуулд хазуулснаас дамждаг өвчин юм. Шумуул нь уг өвчнөөр халдварласан нүүдлийн шувуудын цусаар хооллосноор уг вирусаар халдварладаг байна. Уг вируст халдварыг гол дамжуулагч нь Кулекс пипиенс гэдэг зүйлийн эмэгчин шумуул юм. Гэхдээ Аедес аегурти, Аедес...
  3. This animation addresses the pain of Sickle Cell disease and how clinicians should handle Sickle Cell patients. The pain of Sickle Cell Disease is very real. Sickle Cell vaso-occlusive pain is more severe than most other pain conditions encountered in the Emergency Department. However, it is very...
  4. Сүрьеэ өвчин нь сүрьеэгийн савханцар нянгаар үүсгэгддэг халдварт өвчин юм. Ихэнх тохиолдолд уушгийг гэмтээх ба бусад эрхтэнд ч үүсэж гэмтээнэ.Сүрьеэ өвчний талаарх чухал мэдээлэл болон эмчлэгдэж, бүрэн эдгэрдэг өвчин болохыг дараах 4 минут 31 хормын мэдээллээр танд хүргэнэ. Мөн сүрьеэ өвчний...
  5. Martin Price : "I periodically check for updates on katuk safety. This 2015 article is the most thorough literature review ofpositive benefits and negative toxicitythat I've seen.(I learned that "katuk" is the/an Indonesian name.) A lot more research has been done since the big publicity from...
  6. 2017-07-17 For 20 years, an area in eastern India was the site of a mysterious, sudden-onset, neurological illness that affected apparently healthy young children, resulting in seizures, comas and (in 40 percent of cases) death. This pattern occurred starting in mid-May, and ended in July with the arrival...
  7. 2017-07-17 Leaves of tropical crops like chaya (Cnidoscolus aconitifolius) and cassava (Manihot esculenta) contain cyanogenic glycosides, toxic substances that release hydrocyanic acid (HCN; also referred to as cyanide or prussic acid) when cells are crushed. Consuming these plants without cooking them can...
  8. Human Resources for Healthis ready to receive manuscripts on all aspects concerning the information, planning, production, management and governance of human resources for health - particularly those of international relevance.
  9. Tropical Medicine and Healthis an open access, peer-reviewed journal that publishes original research and reviews on all aspects of tropical medicine and global health. The journal welcomes clinical, epidemiological, laboratory and policy research.
  10. Tropical Diseases, Travel Medicine and Vaccines is an open access journal that considers basic, translational and applied research, as well as reviews and commentary, related to the prevention and management of healthcare and diseases in international travelers. Given the changes in demographic...