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  1. Abstract, Irrigation and Drainage, 2011 The African Market Garden (AMG) is a holistic horticultural production system for small producers based on low‐pressure drip irrigation combined with a crop management package. Over the last 10 years ICRISAT (the International Crops Research Institute for...
  2. Le présent document a pour but de réunir les résultats techniques obtenue particulièrement en cultures maraïchères irriguées pendant 8 années de prèsence au Sahel Tunisien dans le cadre k'un projet de vulgarisation agricole issu de la Coopération Belgo-Tunisienne et géré par l'Administration...
  3. Access Agriculture Training Video To sell agroecological produce, we need to pay attention to four things: organization; negotiation with local authorities; a guarantee system, so consumers know that all the produce is free from agrochemicals; and finally marketing and customer services....
  4. 1972-01-01 This book was written to honor the founders of the Institute, and with the hope that it will be enjoyed not only by them but also by everyone who has ever sat down to the season's first fresh strawberries and found them delightful. The garden strawberry of today is traceable only to the...
  5. Access Agriculture Training Video Via social media farmers market their organic produce and customers place orders from to 5 kg of organic produce. Customers receive guaranteed healthy, fresh farm produce delivered to their door. By having a fixed client base, farmers have a regular income and...
  6. 1993-01-01 Discover how easy and profitable it is to grow and sell vegetables, fruits, flowers, herbs and small livestock from your own Backyard Market Garden.