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  1. 2005-01-01 An estimate in 1996 shows that the gap in demand and supply of veterinary healthcare products is Rs 7600 to10500 million. Veterinary care reaches to only 20% of livestock owners. Hence, there enormous scope to develop standardized herbal products for veterinary health care. The key issues...
  2. This report warns that the dominant picture of livestock’s impacts on climate change has been distorted by faulty assumptions that focus on intensive, industrial farming in rich countries. Millions of people worldwide who depend on extensive livestock production, with relatively lower climate...
  3. Dioli, M. Observation on dromedary (Camelus dromedarius) welfare and husbandry practices among nomadic pastoralists.Pastoralism12,7 (2022). Abstract Animal welfare is an important topic for consideration within every livestock husbandry sector. Welfare...
  4. 2020-09-20 A Discussion Paper for the Livestock Emergency Guidelines and Standards (LEGS) Kate Sadler This discussion paper was commissioned by LEGS to review the key issues relating to nutrition in the context of livestock-based emergency interventions, with particular attention to the following key...
  5. 1994-01-01 The aim of this series of publications is to bring together published information on selected genera of trees which have the potential to increase the supply of fodder for ruminants. This booklet on Cassia summarizes published information on the fodder characteristics and nutritive value of one...
  6. Access Agriculture Training Video When grains are soaked in water for a while and left to germinate, they will put out shoots or sprouts. By absorbing water sprouted seed more than double their weight. Sprouts are easier to digest than grains, because sprouting converts nearly all of the starch...
  7. Key Resource 2021-06-01 The deadly virus has decimated pig populations globally, reaching Asia in 2018. This article gives an overview of the origin, transmission, diagnosis, and prevention and coping strategies.
  8. Access Agriculture Training Video In traditional sheds, sheep and goats are often kept on the ground. The animals are in direct contact with their urine and droppings. Because of poor hygiene many animals get sick. You can easily make a raised platform inside your existing shed to solve these...
  9. 1987-01-01 This classic revision of Adams' Lameness in Horses represents a detailed, comprehensive review of the development,cause, diagnosis, and treatment of lameness in horses. The book includes descriptions of the anatomy, physical features, and radiographic examination procedures, as well as nutrition,...
  10. 1972-01-01 This is the only book in any language giving descriptions of the main forms of lameness in cattle. Lameness causes very considerable economic loss in all countries, both in milk yield of lactating cattle and decreased feed efficiency, and the total financial loss may be several hundred millions...