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  1. 2002-01-01 Modalidades de los Servicios que prestan IDEAS a traves del Sub programa de Agricultura Sostenible. Desarrollo de un Plan Completo de Capacitacion. Se trata del desarrollo de modulos teoricos - practicos que se lleva a cabo en las instalaciones de la Escuela Campesina de Agricultura Sostenible,...
  2. 2016-01-01 This book is a series of stories about local people in countries around the world who serve as community leaders. They are united by two common threads. First, they are all graduates of the Asian Rural Institute. Second, they share a vision to help communities become more self-reliant. These...
  3. The purpose of this document is to tell the history of the Community Leadership Training (COLT) program in Indonesia from the viewpoint of the field and to share the experience with other World Vision fields.