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  1. Edible Portion:Fruit, Flowers, Leaves, Vegetable, Seeds - spice Pawpaw is one of the very well known fruits of the tropics. The straight soft stemmed plant grows up to 3-5 metres tall and only occasionally has branches. The stem is softly woody and has scars from fallen leaves along it. At the...
  2. Growables Origin Though the exact area of origin is unknown, the papaya is believed native to tropical America, perhaps in southern Mexico and neighboring Central America. It is recorded that seeds were taken to Panama and then the Dominican Republic before 1525 and cultivation spread to warm...
  3. Papaya is a small, fast-growing but short-lived, evergreen tree growing 3 - 10 metres tall with a bole 10 - 30cm in diameter. The plant is usually without side-branches, although these can be produced if the plant is injured or the growing tip is removed. Although it adopts the habit of a tree,...