1. 01/01/1990 Questo manuale č progettato per assistere quelli che progettano e perfezionano projects. agricolo e su piccola scala promuovendo consapevolezza di preoccupazioni ambientali, il manuale puň aumentare lo sviluppo l'abilitŕ di lavoratore di disegnare progetti che sono ambientalmente ambo suono e...
  2. It’s hard to think about beer these days without thinking about hops. The runaway craft beer market’s convergence with the ever-expanding local foods movement is helping to spur a local-hops renaissance. The demand from craft brewers for local ingredients to make beer―such as hops and barley―is...
  3. This report describes what is meant by, and the principles involved in designing and operating, a correctly "structured" system. We have explained how, and described the circumstances in which, a well-planned supply-based system is capable of providing an irrigation service that for all practical...
  4. 01/01/2008 *Available for Download Only It is quite appropriate that the book draws from the experience in Asia. Asia is the cradle of agroforestry. The Asian experience of traditional agroforestry systems from shifting cultivation and taungya to homegardens and multistrata systems has paved the way for...
  5. 01/01/1980 Deposito del Grano della Fattoria piccolo č un set di come-a manuali. Together questi volumi provvedono una veduta d'insieme comprensiva di problemi di deposito e considerazioni come loro riferiscono al coltivatore piccolo. Gli autori raccomandi i volumi sia acquistato come un set perché le forme...
  6. 01/01/2006 The potential of independent and genuine cooperatives as a tool for rural development is increasingly recognised by many governments, donors and non-governmental organisations. Governments, however, should no longer interfere with the development of cooperatives, except by creating and...
  7. BiointensiveSustainable Mini-Farmingis amethodof food-growingthat helps revitalize our planet by building soil, using a smaller area to produce higher yields than conventionalmethod, and minimizing water, organic fertilizer, and biological pesticide use.
  8. Cows and maize are often the first images that come to mind when thinking about farms, but many non-traditional types of farms also exist. Ostrich farming is one type of agriculture that can have many advantages. The ostrich (Struthio camelius) is a member of the ratite family (flightless birds)....
  9. 01/01/2006 ‘Homegardens’ are integrated tree–crop–animal production systems, often established on small parcels of land surrounding homesteads, and primarily found in tropical environments. This multi-authored volume contains peer-reviewed chapters from the world’s leading researchers and professionals in...
  10. 01/01/2008 The main aim of this booklet is to give some reasons for small farmers, low-income families or children to do so, and to discuss management, housing, breeding nutrition, veterinary issues, and other potential problems for this type of back-yard farming.