1. 01/01/1981 Lo scopo di questo libro č mostrare coltivatori locali ed altri i passi di base per disegnare, esegua, e misuri un agricolo esperimento. Questo libro non copre anlysis statistico; č presunto quell'addestrato studiosi di statistica sono disponibili per questo scopo.
  2. 01/01/1992 This reader is a follow-up to that workshop. It is a collection of papers on the theme of assessing sustainability in agriculture. The collection is divided into four parts. Following an introductory theme paper (Part I), the papers in Part II discuss the conceptual framework for assessment. Part...
  3. 12/01/1987 Environmentally Sound Improvement of Livestock Management Farmer participatory research Traditional resource use by cattle keepers Integration of livestock and crops in a smallholding Poultry keeping Animal first aid workers Local knowledge
  4. 01/01/2005 Livestock research and development work has tended to lag behind crop production work in the development and application of methods for participatory technology development. However, the case for participatory research is just as strong in relation to livestock as it is in relation to crops; and...