1. 04/06/2020 Maintaining a good standard of hygiene is an important factor in resisting a very large number of illnesses. It leads, therefore, to a more pleasant life. Information and illustrations from "Atelier de matériel pour l’animation", Cameroon, "L’institut de santé publique d’Abidjan" (Cameroon...
  2. 08/06/2020 Microbes are everywhere where there is dust, dirt, darkness and humidity. Adapted from "Hygiène au Village" - a shell template in French by SIL Cameroon, 1994. Text 1997 SIL International with illustrations by "Atelier de Matériel pour l'Animation" (AMA) and adapted by Mbanji Bawe 1997 SIL...
  3. 04/06/2020 This contains advice on personal cleanliness, cleanliness in the home, healthy eating, drinking and protecting the health of children. This uses material from "Where There is No Doctor" - a village healthcare handbook, by David Werner. It is used with kind permission from "The Hesperian...
  4. 08/06/2020 A handbook for children. This book tells children why they should wash their hands and shows them how to do it.Children are encouraged to show their friends how to wash their hands properly.It includes some pages children could tear or cut out and display in wash stations. Written by Rosemary...
  5. 08/06/2020 Dirtiness makes one sick. This booklet looks at the use of soap for personal hygiene, showers, washing clothes and after toilet use. It also considers cleanliness of teeth, ears, fingernails; care of wounds, extracting thorns and burrowing insects; and care of feet. Adapted from "Hygiène du...
  6. 01/01/1983 Sapone č un agente di pulizie essenziale, persone utili per tenersi e loro dintorno pulito. Quando sapone č mescolato con acqua, forma una saponata che lava fuori immondizia e grasso lontano migliore che annaffi da solo. Sapone puň essere fatto su un a scala ridotta nella casa o villaggio a buon...