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  1. 08 April 2020 Saat saya berjalan di ladang pertanian bersama Tn. Tuntun di pedesaan Myanmar, saya tidak bisa menahan senyum ketika dia dengan bangga menunjukkan kepada saya biochar yang sekarang dia buat dan gunakan dalam campuran pot untuk bibit pohon buahnya. Alih-alih membakar, ia sekarang mengubah bahan...
  2. The database contains photographs of plants from West Africa in a broad geographical sense, mainly from the savanna regions. You can search for scientific or vernacular names (or parts thereof, no wildcard necessary) via free text (in: “What are you looking for”) You can browse through a...
  3. 01 Januari 2006 A guide to the identification of all the woody plants (c. 2,250 species in 740 genera) of the forest region of West Africa called 'Upper Guinea', between Togo and Senegal. Upper Guinea is one of the world's most important centres of biodiversity, from the mountain forests of Liberia, Guinea and...