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28 Februari 2017 07.00 - 02 Maret 2017 19.00
Hill Valley Hotel, Sierra Leone
Dipersembahkan Oleh: ECHO West Africa
Pendaftaran DITUTUP
Mendaftar pada tanggal ini:

24 Februari 2017 23.59

Kontak acara:

Noemi Kapi KARA (

Telepon: +226 25370054/73679902

Event Rescheduled!

We are excited to announce that the first ECHO Sierra Leone Forum has a new date in February.

We are pleased to inform you that ECHO is organizing a forum on sustainable agriculture in Freetown.

This ECHO forum aims the bring knowledge and to strengthen networking for the benefit of people fighting against hunger, poverty and those serving the poor in Africa trough agriculture and appropriate technologies. Plenary sessions will be conducted during three mornings by persons of high knowledge from Sierra Leone and from the West African region and will be followed by workshops in the afternoon. Here are some of the important and interesting topics that will be discussed during this time of learning: Moringa production and uses, value addition on Cassava, Farming God’s Way, business planning for small scale farmers, village saving and loan association etc. The discussion groups will be led by regional agriculture officials and experts including yourself if you would like to share anything during the forum.

Check in: February 27, 2017
Training: February 28 - March 2, 2017
Post-Forum Tour: March 3, 2017 (optional)