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  1. 2012-01-20 Infonet-Biovision, an initiative of Biovision Farmer Communication Programme, provides small-scale farmers, communities, NGOs, and trainers with practical information and knowledge on simple, workable and ecologically compatible practices and methods that sustain farming and household incomes. It...
  2. 1998-01-01 This Agrodok is a companion to Agrodok 16: Agroforestry. Trees and shrubs play important roles on the farm and in the environment. Unfortunately too many trees are lost because of overgrazing, excessive fuelwood collection and deforestation. Agroforestry supports the efforts of people in rural...
  3. 2008-01-01 *Available for Download Only It is quite appropriate that the book draws from the experience in Asia. Asia is the cradle of agroforestry. The Asian experience of traditional agroforestry systems from shifting cultivation and taungya to homegardens and multistrata systems has paved the way for...
  4. 1988-12-19 Farming systems experiences Enhancing dryland agriculture Reduction of risk by diversity Bitter cassava as a drought resistant crop Composting Water harvesting for plant production Moisture conservation Tree planting for soil conservation Tuna plant
  5. 2020-01-01 *Available as Download Only Planting trees in the agricultural landscape, in the form of establishing agroforestry systems, has a significant role to play in potentially improving ecosystem services, such as increased biodiversity, reduced soil erosion, increased soil carbon storage, improved...
  6. 1998-01-01 *Disponible solo en español. Esta colección de 6 libros incluye información sobre: Plantaciones de arboles Bloques Nutricionales Manejo Integrado de Plagas Biodigestor Abonos Organicos Manejo seguro de plauicidas
  7. 2006-07-01 Noni: The Complete Guide for Consumers and Growers, is a full-color, how-to guide into the world of the tropical healing plant known as noni (Morinda citrifolia). The book shows you * how to get the best value in noni products * the chemical basis for potential medicinal applications * the most...
  8. 2000-01-01 A collection of writings on fruits and nuts by the West Australian Nut and Tree Crop Association.
  9. 1998-01-01 This manual brings together information on more widely utilized Albiziaand Paraserianthesspecies. It focuses primariliy on the species native to South and Southeast Asia but also discusses some Albizia species from Central America and Africa. The primary source of information was the...
  10. This booklet, along eith other World Neighbor educational materials, reflects this focus on encouraging sef-sufficiency of persons in rural communities throughout the world.Planting Tree Crops: Practical guide to Dryland Farmingspecifically explains ways to sustainably plant and manage tree crops...