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  1. Access Agriculture Training Video Ensure your soil is rich in organic matter and grow a legume intercrop to help keep your soil loose. Plant your cuttings horizontally or at a slant so the roots grow closer to the surface. With a simple tool you can uproot your cassava twice as fast. Available...
  2. Access Agriculture Training Video कसावा मोजेक वायरस रोग एक महतवपूरण कसावा रोग है जो कम पैदावार का कारण बनता है। इसे कसावा के पततों पर पहचाना जा सकता है, जिनमें हलके हरे रंग से लेकर पीले तक धबबे होते हैं। पौधे को रोग सफ़ेद मकखी दवारा दिया जाता है। इस बीमारी को ठीक नहीं किया जा सकता है लेकिन इससे...
  3. Access Agriculture Training Video थाईलैंड में किसान आपके कसावा कषेतर में आने वाले मिली बग की संभावना को कम करने के लिए वयावहारिक सुझाव साझा करते हैं। रोपण समय पर विशेष धयान दिया जाता है; सवसथ रोपण सामगरी का उपयोग करना; कसावा ढेर को कीटाणुरहित करना; लाभकारी कीटों की रकषा करना; और नियमित रूप से फसल...
  4. Access Agriculture Training Video To produce quality cassava planting material, we need to: select a suitable site and prepare the land early, ensure good soil fertility, decide what varieties to grow, and properly handle the planting material. Available languages Bambara Chichewa / Nyanja...
  5. Access Agriculture Training Video Cassava is a plant with valuable roots which are hidden below the soil. One of the main issues for cassava farmers is how do you estimate the value of your crop… but it is possible to work out the size of your cassava yield before harvest. Available languages...
  6. Abstract, Journal of Pest Science, 2018 Insects provide critical ecosystem services to humanity, including biological control of pests. Particularly for invasive pests, biological control constitutes an environmentally sound and cost-effective management option. Following its 2008 invasion of...
  7. Cassava has a low multiplication ratio compared with other crops, especially seed-propagated crops. Rapid multiplication techniques are available to increase the multiplication ratio. Three types of ministem cuttings can be produced from a cassava stem. After sprouting in nursery beds, or...
  8. IITA Videos, 2009 A training video on the rapid multiplication of cassava stem Part 1
  9. IITA, 2009 A training video on rapid multiplication of cassava stem Part 2
  10. Key Resource 16-02-2015 Tropical root and tuber crops are consumed as staples in parts of the tropics and should be considered for their potential to produce impressive yields in small spaces. They provide valuable options for producing food under challenging growing conditions. Cassava and taro, for instance, are...