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Inclusive development has become increasingly a priority for development organizations. This focus on inclusive development has led organizations to address the particular needs of persons with disabilities in specific development sectors.

  1. 20/10/2012 Inclusive development has become increasingly a priority for development organizations. This focus on inclusive development has led organizations to address the particular needs of persons with disabilities in specific development sectors. One area of growing attention is in inclusive water,...
  2. 01/01/1995 Accessible Gardening for People with Physical Disabilites provides you--whether you are a veteran or first-time gardener age five or eighty-five--with all the expertise and practical know-how necessary for designing, planting, and maintaining a garden that suits your special needs. And you will...
  3. Matter, Rebecca & Eide, Arne H.. (2018). Access to assistive technology in two Southern African countries. BMC Health Services Research. 18. 10.1186/s12913-018-3605-9. Background: Millions of people in Southern Africa are deprived of basic human rights such as the right to education and work...
  4. 20/01/2011 International financing agencies and borrower governments have committed themselves, through the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), to pro-poor growth and proactive investment in poverty reduction, food security and nutrition. Most have also committed themselves to social development goals,...
  5. Mactaggart I, Banks LM, Kuper H, Murthy GVS, Sagar J, Oye J, et al. (2018) Livelihood opportunities amongst adults with and without disabilities in Cameroon and India: A case control study. PLoS ONE 13(4): e0194105. https://doi.org/ 10.1371/journal.pone.0194105 Proven links between disability and...
  6. In the past five to ten years, there has been increasing research of the healing, social, and therapeutic benefits that plants impart to human life. With all of the resultant new information, people have become confused by the many facets of people-plant interactions, including the meaning of...
  7. Abstract,Biological Agriculture and Horticulture, 2012 The attainment of the Millennium Development Goals is at severe risk owing to rising malnutrition and high child stunting and mortality rates, greater poverty, a large increase in the incidence of non-communicable diseases and lack of...
  8. Abstract,Agriculture & Food Security, 2013 With the global population expected to reach over 9 billion by 2050, there is a continuous need to increase food production and buffer stocks. In this scenario, countries around the world, especially developing countries where the pervasiveness of...
  9. 20/12/2012
  10. Maya Pedal is a Guatemalan NGO based in San Andrés Itzapa. We accept bikes donated from the USA and Canada which we either recondition to sell, or we use the components to build a range of "Bicimaquinas", (pedal powered machines). Pedal power can be harnessed for countless applications which...
  11. AgrAbilityCommunities of Interest(COIs) are member-driven groups that discuss topics related to disability in agriculture. Communities normally have conference calls or web meetings, and structure of these meetings may include open discussion, case studies, and presentations from outside experts....
  12. This book is designed to be a guide with suggestions and procedures for initiating and conducting a horticultureal program for the disabled and disadvantaged. There is a section that describes the physical and psychological characteristics of various groups and their implications for horticulure,...
  13. Our mission is to drive greater access and use of mobile technologies for persons with disabilities in emerging markets and maximise opportunities for social and economic inclusion. Today, over one billion people need at least one form of assistive technology (AT), but around 90 per cent of them...
  14. Why include the disabled? Agricultural operations have high risk of accidents resulting in fatality/disability. Once disabled, agriculture is difficult. Lack of other livelihood opportunities in rural areas. Important to rehabilitate disabled within agriculture Disabilities can exacerbate poverty...
  15. According to areportfrom India’s Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation, 2.21% of the country’s population lives with a disability. Of that population, 20% have a disability of movement, and most live in rural areas. The highest rate of amputation occurs in these rural settings,...
  16. We started Alabaster Research to develop tailored solutions to development challenges across the world. In our time in the sector, we have both independently observed challenges in the society from close quarters. We realized some of these challenges can be solved through innovative technologies...
  17. Services Farm site assessments for people in Agriculture with disabilities Recommendation of modifications, equipment, or assistive technology (AT) Connection or referral to agency resources such as local or international programs that can help the client live a successful life. Organise peer...
  18. Ressource principale 19/05/1987 This book has information and ideas for all who are concerned about the well-being of disabled children. It is especially for those who live in rural areas where resources are limited. Over 4,000 line drawings & 200 photos help make the information clear even to those with little formal...
  19. 20/09/2021 Ce livre décrit les manières pratiques et peu onéreuses pour surmonter les difficultés physiques qui pourraient autrement empêcher les personnes handicapées d’atteindre leur plein potentiel au sein de leur famille et de la communauté. Nous utilisons des documents extraits deFootsteps 108la...
  20. Pour les enfants qui ont des conditions physiques qui les empêchent de marcher, quelques aides simples peuvent faire toute la différence ; ce livre explique comment elles peuvent être utilisées. Adapté deFootsteps 87publication littéraire de Tearfund, permission accordée Cette édition a été...
  21. 26/01/2022 Les personnes avec des déficiences sont souvent isolées et sous-estimées. Ce livre donne un aperçu de ce qu’est le handicap et des opinions des gens sur le handicap. Il défie les obstacles que rencontrent ceux qui ont un handicap afin qu’ils puissent être inclus dans la société et être soutenus...
  22. 31/10/2022 Ce livre donne un bref aperçu des maladies et des problèmes les plus fréquents touchant les yeux avec une description de leurs causes et des traitements possibles. Il offre aussi des conseils pratiques comment organiser la vie quotidienne avec une vision déficiente ou même une perte totale de la...
  23. 10/07/2021 Ce livre montre comment les personnes souffrant d'un handicap physique ou mental peuvent apporter une contribution précieuse aux travaux quotidiens et saisonniers d'une exploitation agricole. Écrit et illustré pour MissionAssist Cette édition a été publiée en Grande-Bretagne en 2024 par...
  24. 20/01/2018 The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is the world’s globally agreed plan for peace and prosperity for all on a healthy planet. But this vision of a better future can only be achieved with the full participation of everyone, including persons with disabilities. Upholding the rights and...