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  1. Le maïs est cultivé depuis de nombreux siècles dans plusieurs régions d’Amérique centrale, du Nord et du Sud. L’utilisation du maïs s’est étendue à de nombreuses régions tempérées, subtropicales et tropicales de la planète. À l’échelle mondiale, la production de maïs dépasse aujourd’hui celles du...
  2. 01/07/2012 Fences are established on the small farm for a variety of reasons. They are used to mark boundary lines between farms or next to roads, and to separate adjacent fields used for distinct purposes. Fences are used to protect and keep animals from straying (to keep animals ‘in’), or to protect crops...
  3. 21/11/2019 Session :Living fences can offer an affordable and appropriate solution using existing local resources. A range of possibilities in establishing living fences and the many considerations to find the best match will be explored in his talk. Presenter :Dan Janzen is a Pioneers International...
  4. Buffalo thorn is a thorny, bushy shrub or small tree of semi-arid climates, growing to 12 m in height. It is used for its edible fruit and livestock browsing. The tree is good bee forage, and makes good firewood, charcoal, fence posts and furniture. Because of its thorns and tangled branches, the...
  5. Gliricidia is a fast-growingnitrogen-fixing tree that grows up to 15m in height. It is used for living fences, green manure, fodder, honey production, wind breaks, and fuelwood. This tree tolerates dry, acid, alkaline, and salty soils and was traditionally grown to shade cocoa trees.
  6. Gumbo Limbo is a very hardy, fast growing tree native to the West Indies and Central America. At maturity it reaches 30 m (100 ft). It is tolerant to long periods of drought and is easily propagated.

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