1. Yεwunkwiyi dowu élɔ ͻ ɖo lĕè e ná zĕ akán kpódó nyεkεn kpó dó xwi sìn ná gbɔn zĕ xlɛ wɛ. Nùɖé wɛ bo bɔkùn titewungbè bo ka nan de nùkwíjì gègé sín sìn lεe min. Nùkwíjì énε ɖĕe hin ͻn e nan dɔn lanmε gble nu mε è.
  2. Dengue zɔn ͻ, azɔn dé wε bͻ nuvi e nͻ do mε ͻ, zànsúkpɛ asì ɖĕè e ylɔ ɖɔ Aedes ͻ, wε nͻ ɖu mε bo nͻ do lanmε nu mε. Cεjú 3, seconde 24 élɔ lε ɖo lĕè nͻ jε dengue zɔn gbɔn ɔ, azɔn ɔ kpódo lĕè azɔn énε ɔ nͻ xlɛ ɖo mε wŭ gbɔn ɔ zĕ xlɛ wɛ. Yεwunkwiyi dowu élɔ lε ɖo nŭ gègé xlɛ wɛ ɖɔ do lĕè zànsúkpɛ...
  3. Ebola is a life threatening disease caused by the Ebola virus. There is currently no cure or vaccine. Although the disease is dangerous and can kill in a short time, we can stop Ebola from spreading. Early treatment can also increase chances of surviving Ebola. This video provides information on...
  4. E klɔ alɔ, wɛ nyĭ hwlεnwi ɖagbè nĕè nͻn ɖŏ alɔ tè nu azɔn kouin kpódó azɔn kún gbigba kpó e. alɔ nĕè kújì ͻ hin ͻ e na hɛn azɔn kouin nĕè na do azɔn mε kàbĭ nĕè nan fúnfún azɔn nu mε ɖĕvo lε ͻ. Nuvi dogbε kpεví ɖì nuvi azɔn do mε tͻ lɛ ɖɔhùn, nuvi ɖĕè nͻ tε ɖo mε wŭ lε, nuvi wha nͻ lε, nuvi ɖĕè...
  5. Chagas is a disease caused by a parasite namedTrypanosoma cruzi. The parasite is transmitted to humans through the bite of an insect known as the kissing bug, vinchuca, chinche, barbeiro and scientifically calledTriatoma infestans. This video discusses methods to help prevent this disease....
  6. West Nile Virus is a disease transmitted by the bite of mosquitoes. Mosquitoes acquire the virus by feeding on the blood of infected migratory birds. A common female mosquito,Culex pipiens, is the main mosquito responsible for the transmission of the virus. However, other species, such asAedes...
  7. This animation addresses the pain of Sickle Cell disease and how clinicians should handle Sickle Cell patients. The pain of Sickle Cell Disease is very real. Sickle Cell vaso-occlusive pain is more severe than most other pain conditions encountered in the Emergency Department. However, it is very...
  8. kpεnwé ɔ azɔn ɖè wε bŏ gbà kpé bŏ hɛn ɔ é na go sín mε ɖĕ mɛ bŏ byɔ mɛ ɖĕvo mɛ bɔ nuvi e nͻ do mε ͻ nͻn fíjó mɛ. cεjú 4 nukúnxwíxwé 31 élɔ lε ɖŏ nǔnyúԑ délԑ nă do azɔn énɛ jĭ wɛ bŏ ɖŏ wɛn ɖĕ do wɛ: é hɛn ɔ é na gbɔ kpεnwé ɔ. Yεwunkwiyi dowu élↄ ɖŏ lĕè e na zán gbɔn ɖo glo azɔn énε ͻ zĕ xlɛ wɛ,...
  9. This animation describes the concept of fines that can be applied when one misses a group meeting and in the same order, fines that can be applied when one misses a savings payment. It is the third animation out of six in the microfinance animation series. Scientific Animations Without Borders...
  10. In this animation, you will learn the steps necessary to start every meeting in a savings group and then the process of taking a loan. It is the fourth animation out of six in the microfinance animation series. Scientific Animations Without Borders (SAWBO) is a university based program. SAWBO...