1. Abstract, International Scholarly Research Notes, 2014 Bamboo shoots are considered as one of the useful health foods because of their rich contents of proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, fibres, and minerals and very low fat. Though bamboo shoots provide lots of health benefits, their consumption...
  2. Abstract, International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, 2017 January Bamboos like all lignocellusic biomass are susceptible to biodegradation which reduce its durability. Post harvest preservation of bamboo culms is important for enhancement of its service life. But the durability...
  3. Kerala Forest Research Institute (KFRI) is a multidisciplinary team of experts conducting research on tropical forests and forestry. This Institute has contributed significantly to research in tropical forestry and biodiversity conservation over the past three decades of its existence. Founded in...
  4. All bamboo genera (123) are listed here with their tribe and subtribe. They contain all the known bamboo species within their genus (click on the genus to see the corresponding species). Bamboo belongs to the grass family POACEAE, which is divided into 12 subfamilies. Among them the subfamily...
  5. 1/1/1984 A comprehensive guide to this remakable plant, its uses, and its history 2 copies 331 pages, illustrated
  6. The founder of Indobamboo, Arief, is a second generation bamboo specialist, following in the footsteps of hismother Linda Garland, who founded the Environmental Bamboo Foundation. Linda is well-regarded for putting in place theground work that mademany giant leaps possible forindustrialists,...
  7. 18/10/2016 La reputación del bambú se basa en gran medida en las peculiaridades intrínsecas de ciertas variedades. La planta puede crecer un metro por día y es parte de la dieta básica de los pandas gigantes; aunque es una hierba, puede crecer hasta una altura de 30 metros con tallos de madera huecos que...
  8. 20/7/2011 A visitor to ECHO from Nigeria told former intern Randall Fish about a method of creating fences using bamboo.
  9. 23/10/2017 En septiembre pasado, la Finca Global de ECHO en Florida enfrentó un golpe bastante directo del huracán Irma. Luego de su paso, una cosa quedó bastante clara, algunas cosas caen y algunas no (ver nuestro video corto, After Hurricane Irma). Este es un hecho pertinente para nuestros esfuerzos...
  10. The World Bamboo Organization is a diverse group consisting of individual people, commercial businesses, non-profit associations, institutions, and allied trade corporations that all share a common interest = BAMBOO. The purpose of the WBO is to improve and promote this common interest, as well...