Tagetes erecta


La caléndula africana es una planta anual, aromática y de porte erguido, de hasta 1.25 m de altura, con flores vistosas y fragantes de hasta 10 cm de diámetro. Esta planta se destaca por repeler nemátodos.


México y Centroamérica


Planta ornamental, acompañante, repele insectos y nemátodos.


Seasons of production – The marigold is a hardy annual. It prefers the warm season but will survive cool weather.

Length of production and harvest period – 85-90 days will bring marigolds to maturity.

Production methods – Generally planted from seed. This variety takes longer to flower from seed than French marigolds. Remove dry or dead flowers (deadhead) to prolong flowering.

Plant spacing – Establish seedlings 20-30cm (8-12”) apart, or sow densely and thin.

Pollination – Marigolds are insect pollinated, but cross-pollination is possible.

Known environmental conditions for production – Marigolds prefer full sun. They tolerate drought and should not be over-watered.

Known soil requirements – Marigolds require well-drained soil, but are tolerant of both acidic and alkaline soils.


La cosecha y producción de semillas

Seed saving – Seed can be collected once the flower is dried and brown. Seeds are long, thin black spines, with brown chaff at the base. Pull the cluster of seeds out of the middle of the flower and spread out to dry and clean.

Plagas y Enfermedades

Known pests – Major insect pests include japanese beetle (Popilla japonica), and two-spotted spidermite (Tetranychus urticae). Aphids, earwigs, caterpillars, leafminers, snails and slugs and whiteflies may also cause damage. Marigolds are susceptible to aster yellows, a pathogen which causes flower parts to develop into malformed leafy structures. Also susceptible to gray mold (Botrytis spp.), tomato spotted wilt virus, and various fungal diseases.



https://plants.ces.ncsu.edu/plants/all/tagetes -erecta/

Nombres comunes

  • Inglés
    • American Marigold
    • Aztec Marigold
    • Big Marigold
    • Mexican Marigold
  • Coreano
    • cheonsugug
  • Chino
    • 万寿菊 (wan shou ju)
  • Japonés
    • senju-giku
  • Nepalés
    • Sayapatree
  • Tailandés (thai)
    • ดอกดาวเรือง

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