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El rábano es una hierba anual con raíces cilíndricas de hasta 65 cm de largo o raíces redondas de hasta 8 cm de diámetro. Se cultiva por sus raíces ligeramente picantes.

Mino Early was selected for summer to fall harvest in Japan. It has good tolerance to heat and can be grown year round in sub-tropcial and tropical areas. The root is long, tender, white, crisp, and mild. Harvest when the tops are 20-35cm long (the length of the root matches the length of the leaves). Becomes pithy later than other varieties. 40-50 days to harvest.

Daikons are also called Japanese radishes, they store well, and are primarily white-skinned. They are larger, longer, coarser, and take longer to mature than red varieties. For smoother texture and better flavor, harvest before roots get too large.