La Academia de aprendizaje electrónico de la FAO ofrece oportunidades de aprendizaje y cursos de aprendizaje electrónico multilingües para profesionales que trabajan en la seguridad alimentaria y nutricional, el desarrollo social y económico y la gestión sostenible de los recursos naturales, con el objetivo integral de fortalecer la capacidad de los países miembros para lograr la Agenda 2030 para el Desarrollo Sostenible.

La Academia de aprendizaje electrónico de la FAO brinda acceso gratuito a contenido sobre una variedad de temas de interés mundial, disponible en una variedad de formatos, incluidos cursos de aprendizaje electrónico para el aprendizaje a su propio ritmo, programas de aprendizaje mixto, cursos a gran escala abiertos en línea (MOOC), webinars técnicos, cursos tutelados en línea, aprendizaje móvil, talleres de capacitación presencial, así como programas de maestría universitaria y posgrados.

Nuestros cursos están estrechamente alineados con los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible y los programas estratégicos de la FAO, y son revisados por pares, por una amplia gama de expertos, para garantizar la precisión, calidad y coherencia del contenido.

Todos los recursos de aprendizaje se ofrecen de forma gratuita como un bien público global, apoyando directamente todos los ODS, y en particular el ODS 4: “Garantizar una educación de calidad inclusiva y equitativa y promover oportunidades de aprendizaje permanente para todos.”.

  1. Todos nuestros cursos están diseñados para aprender al propio ritmo, y se ofrecen de forma gratuita. Gracias a una combinación de abundantes contenidos, estrategias específicas de aprendizaje, pantallas dinámicas, pruebas interactivas, ejercicios con comentarios de refuerzo y estudios de casos...
  2. This course guides you through the simulation of a workshop process using amethodology based on malnutrition problem-and-solution trees, to supportjoint planning for combating food insecurity and malnutrition. It allows you tounderstand the multisectoral causes of malnutrition, and gain new...
  3. This course examines the challenges facing agriculture and food production systems and presents a common vision and coordinated approach towards sustainable food and agriculture developed through intensive consultations and discussions among agriculture specialists. It illustrates in detail the...
  4. Agriculture is a risky sector. Extreme weather conditions, pests and diseases and market uncertainties are just few examples of events that can negatively affect farming activities, posing a major threat to households livelihood and food security. This course will present an overview of concepts...
  5. Food composition data are essential to food-based nutrition work. It is therefore important that professionals involved in nutrition are able to understand and use food composition data. This short video presents testimonials from professional working in very different areas related to food-based...
  6. This course explains the importance of food composition tables and databases,food description (selection and nomenclature), food components (analysis,calculation, conversion and units), covers the aspects of quality and foodbiodiversity, as well as compilation principles. Duration: 10 hours...
  7. Food loss is a complex issue, often with multiple and interrelated causes operating at different levels. This e-learning course introduces the FAO Case study methodology for the analysis of critical food loss points. This method focuses on revealing and analyzing the multidimensional causes of...
  8. This course is part of a series of e-learning modules on Nutrition and Food Systems which aims to develop capacities for designing, implementing, monitoring and evaluating nutrition-sensitive food and agriculture policies, strategies, plans and programmes. It will guide you through the steps of a...
  9. Using two realistic scenarios, this course illustrates the linkages betweenagriculture, food systems and nutrition, and describes existing opportunities forintegrating nutrition into food system policies, investments and programmes. Thecourse offers a series of examples of nutrition-sensitive...
  10. This course covers the basic concepts of malnutrition, describes how nutritionalstatus is assessed, and identifies the most commonly used nutrition indicators. Italso explains what the criteria to consider when selecting the indicators in specificcontexts and situations. Duration: 2 hours...
  11. This course explains the concepts of food and nutrition, malnutrition, food securityand livelihoods. Understanding these concepts is indeed very important in orderto assess the nutrition situation, design and implement programmes, investmentsand policies that address nutrition problems (also...
  12. This eventspotlights the leading approach to manage risks in a given context, which encompasses a holistic methodology, that has grounded the series of four elearning courses on agricultural risk management (ARM) developed by PARM and the FAO elearning Academy, in partnership with IFAD and NEPAD....