Hemiptera /hɛˈmɪptərə/ (Latín hemipterus (“half-winged”)) o insectos verdaderos son una orden de insectos que comprenden más de 80 000 especies en grupos tales como cigarras, pulgones, saltamontes, chicharritas, chinches y chinches verdes. Varían en tamaño desde 1 mm (0,04 pulgadas) hasta alrededor de 15 cm (6 pulgadas) y comparten una disposición común de piezas bucales de succión.[3] El nombre "insectos verdaderos" a menudo se limita al suborden Heteroptera.[4] Muchos insectos comúnmente conocidos como "bichos", especialmente en inglés americano, pertenecer a otras órdenes; por ejemplo, el bicho del amor es una mosca[5] y el cochorro y la mariquita son escarabajos.[6]

La mayoría de los hemípteros se alimentan de plantas, utilizando sus piezas bucales chupadoras y perforadoras para extraer la savia de la planta. Algunos son hematófagos, mientras que otros son predadores que se alimentan de otros insectos o pequeños invertebrados. Viven en una amplia variedad de hábitats, generalmente terrestres, aunque algunas especies están adaptadas a la vida en o sobre la superficie del agua dulce. Los hemípteros son hemimetábolos, con jóvenes ninfas que se parecen un poco a los adultos. Muchos pulgones son capaces de realizar la partenogénesis, produciendo crías a partir de huevos no fertilizados; esto les ayuda a reproducirse extremadamente rápido en condiciones favorables.


  1. AccessAgriculture Training Video Puedes controlar fácilmente los áfidos usando algunas prácticas orgánicas, tales como aspersión de la ceniza, la pulverización con una solución de jabón o neem y por un cultivo trampa. Idiomas disponibles Bambara Bangla Birmano Chichewa / Nyanja Dioula Español...
  2. Abstract,Pest Management in Horticultural Ecosystems, 2010 Soil ameliorants, botanicals, chemical insecticides and fungal bio-agents were screened against banana root mealybug, Geococcus spp. Among the soil ameliorants, application of sodium silicate and calcium oxide at the time of planting...
  3. Scale insects and mealybugs are ubiquitous in managed landscapes. Although they are most commonly managed in the landscape on ornamental plants, this group of insects can also be damaging pests of warm season turfgrasses. To date, little research has investigated management strategies for these...
  4. It’s human nature to ignore what you don’t see. Why worry about something if you can’t see it? As growers, you may notice the plant is stunted and not growing well. Until you take the plant out of the pot and look at the root system, then the wax associated with root mealybug becomes noticeable....
  5. Abstract, Journal of Insect Science, 2010 Phenacoccus solenopsisTinsley (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) has been the current topic of research for insect taxonomists and applied entomologists in India due to its invasiveness, rapid spread, morphological and biological variations and the need for...
  6. Abstract, Journal of Pest Science, 2018 Insects provide critical ecosystem services to humanity, including biological control of pests. Particularly for invasive pests, biological control constitutes an environmentally sound and cost-effective management option. Following its 2008 invasion of...
  7. 1/1/1991 Biological control of the cassava mealybug involved the classical approach, from foreignexploration, biological studies, mass rearing, and release to monitoring and impact studies. The special attention given to quanfity observations on all trophic levels in a holistic approach transformed the...
  8. In many habitats ants form a major part of the arthropod fauna found on vegetation, and recent studies have shown that the abundance and diversity of ant–plant associations is particularly remarkable in the tropical region. For instance, one-third of the plant species in a Panamanian forest...
  9. Mutualistic interactions among species play important roles in mediating the dynamics and diversity of niche-related community1,2. The mutualism between ant and honeydew-producing hemipterans has been well documented in multiple ecosystems3,4,5, based on the defensive and aggressive activity of...
  10. Abstract, Proceedings - Biological Sciences, 2007 Interactions between ants and honeydew-producing hemipteran insects are abundant and widespread in arthropod food webs, yet their ecological consequences are very poorly known. Ant–hemipteran interactions have potentially broad ecological effects,...
  11. 19/1/1996 Information about controlling cassava mealybug (Phenacoccus manihoti) without commercial insecticides.

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